When examining mini facelift before and after photos, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the procedure’s goals and realistic expectations. The mini facelift primarily targets the lower face and jawline to address mild to moderate signs of ageing. Here are some key aspects to look for in before and after photos:
- Improvement in skin laxity: A successful mini facelift should result in tighter, smoother skin in the lower face and along the jawline.
- Natural appearance: A well-done mini facelift should provide a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance without making the face look “overdone” or unnatural.
- Reduction of jowls: The mini facelift should effectively reduce the appearance of jowls along the jawline.
- Improved facial contour: Look for a more defined jawline and a smoother transition from the lower face to the neck.
- Consistency: Pay attention to the consistency of results across different patients. A skilled surgeon should be able to achieve similar levels of improvement for various patients.
- Lighting and angles: Ensure that the before and after photos are taken in similar lighting conditions and from similar angles to allow for an accurate comparison.
- Patient diversity: Check if the surgeon has experience with a diverse range of patients, including different ages, genders, and ethnicities.
- Recovery process: Some surgeons may provide images taken at different stages of the recovery process. This can give you an idea of what to expect during your own recovery.
Mini facelift before and after gallery