Centre for Surgery is the leading cosmetic surgery clinic in central London and we are proud to have some of the best breast lift surgeons practising at our state-of-the-art day surgery facility on Baker Street. Our surgeons carry out hundreds of cosmetic breast surgery procedures each year at our Baker Street clinic. All types of breast lift surgery are carried out including vertical breast lifts and inverted T breast lifts. Please view some examples below of typical breast lift before and after results to get an idea of how you could look after surgery. If you are keen to learn more about breast uplift surgery, please get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable patient coordinators, who will be able to book a face-to-face consultation with an expert breast lift surgeon in London.
The following breast lift images are presented for educational purposes only and should be interpreted subjectively. They do not represent the opinion or view of any patient regarding their result, and they are not intended to suggest the result that may be achieved by any other patient. The images are presented as factual guidelines and merely represent results that have been achieved by others. No two patients are alike, and no two results are necessarily alike. Only a personal consultation with your breast lift surgeon can provide you with a reasonable expectation of the results you may achieve from any specific procedure.
Before & After Breast Lift (Mastopexy)