Many people may have excess fat beneath their chin, often resulting in an unsightly prominence of fat, referred to as submental fat. Diet and exercise alone may be ineffective in getting rid of a double chin, leading many people to seek double chin treatment in London in the UK. Submental liposuction, also known as chin liposuction, is the most effective treatment for eliminating a double chin.
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What Causes a Double Chin?
The development of a double chin is most strongly linked to excessive weight gain, and being overweight or obese is more likely to form a double chin. Eating a highly calorific diet high in fat and sugar can result in excess fat underneath the chin. The natural ageing process can also cause extra submental fat. As we age, the skin begins to lose natural elasticity due to the loss of collagen, resulting in sagging skin. People who spend large amounts of time in the Sun may develop signs of accelerated ageing, and the skin contributes to the formation of a double chin. As well as eating a poor diet low in fruit and vegetables, cigarette smokers may also find they are more likely to develop early signs of ageing and a double chin. Genetic factors can also contribute to developing a double chin, especially if you have a first-degree relative in your family, such as a parent or sibling who has a double chin but otherwise has a normal body mass index. Genetic influences are thought to increase the likelihood of fat accumulating in the area beneath the chin, which may be both above and below the platysma muscle of the neck. With added weight gain and skin laxity caused by ageing, the appearance of a double chin will be accentuated.
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The structure or anatomy of the neck may also increase the likelihood of a double chin forming. Various muscles in the lower face and neck area have complex muscle insertions around the area of the windpipe (trachea). They are designed to support the trachea in the optimum position. If some people have a high level of insertion, this results in a more defined angle between the chin and the neck. Muscle insertions positioned lower may result in a shallow angle, meaning that any amount of fat removal will not improve the appearance of a double chin. The best way to determine if you are suitable for chin liposuction is to have a physical examination by an expert liposuction surgeon. In some cases, the development of poor posture with sagging of the shoulders may exacerbate the appearance of a double chin. Up to three-quarters of the UK adult population have a double chin, most often related to the cases discussed above, of which poor diet and obesity are the most common causes.
What are the non-surgical treatment options?
Some patients, mainly if they are below 30, may not wish to have an invasive surgical procedure, in which case Morpheus8 non-surgical treatment is an effective alternative to get rid of a double chin. Morpheus8 combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy two Titan, a lift and tone sagging skin anywhere on the face and neck without the need for the incisions and scars of surgery. The treatment is designed to give a more youthful look with a refreshed appearance and firmer-looking skin beneath the chin.
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Other treatments include laser fat reduction. Laser fat reduction helps reduce superficial fat beneath the skin and can help with double chin reduction. The treatment involves the application of controlled laser energy to result in the lipolysis of fat cells under the skin. The result is a controlled cascade of wound healing, which simultaneously forms new collagen and elastin, which are the building blocks of elastic skin, leading to a more toned and sculpted appearance.
Morpheus8 is a common component of a nonsurgical facelift for facial rejuvenation without downtime. Several facial rejuvenation treatments are available to enhance facial features, including for double chin reduction, at our Baker Street clinic. Older patients often have significant skin laxity and would be better served with a surgical skin excision procedure to remove excess skin and fat for the best skin tightening and fat removal results.
What are the best surgical options for double chin removal?
Double chin liposuction is one of the most common procedures at Centre for Surgery to remove fat beneath the chin and restore a sharp angle between the chin and neck. The procedure involves a small midline incision beneath the chin with two small incisions located beneath each ear to permit access for liposuction cannulas to suck out any excess fat. Chin liposuction is the most effective treatment for double chin removal. The procedure is easily carried out under local anaesthetic to remove submental fat in just one quick treatment permanently. Our surgeons are experts in all the best liposuction techniques, and we believe power-assisted liposuction is the most effective option to gently break up stubborn fat cells before their removal with vacuum suction. The procedure takes no more than 60 minutes, with a quick recovery, with most patients returning to normal after a few days. Submental liposuction is highly effective for removing submental fat and contouring the jawline. Non-surgical treatments such as Ultherapy or Thermage do not produce consistently good results, which can match those from chin liposuction.
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Double chin liposuction is increasingly performed on men who are concerned about the appearance of excess fat under the chin. It is essential to carry out chin liposuction with precision to preserve the delicate branches of the facial nerve which cross the jawline and to ensure smooth and even results are obtained. An experienced liposuction surgeon will take care when performing chin lipo in men. Men often have thin skin due to numerous beard hair follicles, meaning skin elasticity is not as good as in women. Men may find skin retraction benefits are less than expected following either chin or neck liposuction. There is always a mild degree of inflammatory changes as part of the healing response after chin liposuction, which may help in skin retraction.
Women and men who want to tighten the skin and remove excess fat can combine chin liposuction with FaceTite to achieve a better-contoured chin and neck with tighter skin without the need for more invasive surgery such as a facelift or neck lift.
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Older patients in their 50s and 60s may find a mini facelift combined with a neck lift, which can help address double chin removal and removal of loose skin. Facelift surgery involves the removal of excess fat and sagging skin from the lower face and chin area. Once the surgery is complete, the double chin will have been eliminated. Surgeons at Centre for Surgery are experts in mini facelift surgery, a less invasive type of facelift procedure for tightening loose skin in the lower part of the face and neck. Mini facelift surgery is ideal for people in their 40s and 50s who may show early signs of ageing, including fine lines and wrinkles.
Neck lift surgery involves removing excess skin around the chin and jawline area and tightening the platysma muscle, the primary muscle in the neck. The result is a more useful facial appearance and the permanent elimination of a double chin.
How much does double chin liposuction cost?
Double chin liposuction at Centre for Surgery starts from £2500 under local anaesthetic and £3500 with a general anaesthetic. Your procedure costs include the facility fee, surgeon fee, nursing costs and post-operative care.
If you want to learn more about double chin liposuction, please call 020 7993 4849 or complete the contact form below to book a consultation with a specialist liposuction surgeon at our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in central London.