Have you been going to the gym but you are still unsatisfied with the appearance of your arms? Following a healthy diet but still can’t get rid of that stubborn fat? You may wish to consider undergoing arm liposuction.
What does arm liposuction involve?
Arm liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure which targets the excess fat which is on the lower side of the upper arm. This area is often immune to lifestyle changes such as increased exercise and diet changes.
Arm liposuction varies from procedures such as an arm lift. While arm liposuction targets excess fat, an arm lift will target excess skin, which generally occurs as a result of ageing or weight loss.
Am I a good candidate for arm liposuction?
To be suitable for arm liposuction, you will be unhappy with the aesthetic appearance of your arms due to the excess pockets of weight.
You may have already resorted to non-surgical options, such as trying to lose weight through changes to your exercise regime and diet.
You will have to be at least 18 years old to undergo arm liposuction, and have realistic expectations about what the procedure will achieve.
Prior to undergoing arm liposuction, you will need to have a consultation with one of our surgeons. They will be able to assess your arms and see if you are suitable for the procedure, or whether you are more suited for another procedure, such as an arm lift.
If you have a large amount of excess fat or have poor skin elasticity, you may end up with loose skin following the liposuction. Your surgeon may recommend for you to also have an arm lift.
What happens during an arm liposuction procedure?
An arm liposuction is generally performed under a local anaesthetic. This means you will be awake during the procedure, however, you will not be able to feel any pain or discomfort. However, some people do not wish to be awake during surgical procedures. In these cases, you may wish to be given a general anaesthetic. At Centre for Surgery, this is known as TIVA anaesthesia.
Arm liposuction is performed with a method known as PAL lipo or SAFElipo.
The procedure will involve the surgeon making small incisions – one near the elbow, and one near the armpit. This will ensure that scarring is minimal and is as discreet as possible.
The surgeon will then be able to insert a small, thin cannula. Using a back and forth motion, the surgeon is able to use the cannula to break up and remove the excess fat. Blood vessels, nerves and skin will remain completely intact and will not be damaged.
What will the recovery period be like?
Following arm liposuction, you can expect to feel some minor pain and discomfort, as well as see some swelling. You may wish to take pain medication to help alleviate any symptoms.
You will need to wear a compression garment over the arm. This will help to avoid fluid build-up and reduce swelling. Your surgeon will advise how long you will need to wear the compression garment for. You will generally have to wear the compression garment for two weeks.
You will have to avoid undertaking any strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks.
You may have to take a few days off work in order to recover.
Are you interested in arm liposuction, or liposuction to a different area of the body? This is a procedure that Centre for Surgery currently offers. Contact us today to find out more or call us to book a consultation.