Labiaplasty is a cosmetic gynaecology procedure that involves the reshaping or reduction of the labia minora, the inner “lips” of the female genitalia. Labiaplasty at Centre for Surgery is a straightforward procedure that takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to perform as an outpatient, which means you can go home later the same day. Getting the best results requires all patients to properly prepare for the procedure and be aware of the postoperative care instructions to follow during their recovery period. Naturally, many patients are keen to return to their daily exercise routine as soon as possible after surgery. The risk of complications can be reduced by following your surgeon’s instructions on when to exercise after a labiaplasty. Centre for Surgery is one of London’s leading plastic surgery clinics and is considered one of the foremost experts on labia surgery in the UK. Here, we discuss our best tips for exercising after labiaplasty.
RELATED: Labiaplasty FAQs – Q&As about Labia Reduction
How to prepare for Labiaplasty
Preparing properly for the procedure is key to achieving a smooth recovery after a Labiaplasty. This will allow you to have a quick recovery after surgery, and you will then be able to return to your normal exercise routine sooner.
Maintain healthy lifestyle habits
Eating the right foods will help achieve a quicker recovery after surgery. You should start healthy eating habits before surgery to get the most benefits from optimal nutrition. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each day and avoid highly processed takeaway food. Home-cooked meals with plenty of lean protein and green leafy vegetables will give you the vital nutrients to heal after surgery. Keep well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. These simple lifestyle habits will help prepare your body for labia surgery.
Take one week off work
You will need to rest at home during the first few days after surgery, and we would recommend at least one week off work to allow you to heal and recover sufficiently before returning to work.
Prepare a suitable space at home for your recovery
Prepare a dedicated area in your home for your postoperative recovery before labiaplasty surgery. You should collect your prescribed medications before the procedure. Any grocery shopping should be done in the week before surgery, and it would be useful to enlist the help of a friend or relative to assist with meal preparation.
Remove pubic hair before surgery
We recommend getting your pubic region shaved or waxed approximately three days before a Labiaplasty. This will ensure that you won’t have to worry about the area during the first few weeks of recovery.
Labiaplasty exercise timeline
The recovery time and exercise timeline can vary depending on the type of procedure and the individual’s overall health, but generally, patients can expect the following:
Week 1: After labiaplasty, patients must rest for the first week and avoid any strenuous activity. They will likely experience pain and swelling in the treated area and may need to take pain medication to manage discomfort. They should also use ice packs to reduce swelling. It is important to get plenty of rest to help the recovery process. Light walks around the house will help to stimulate blood flow and aid healing.
Week 2: During the second week, patients can resume light activities, such as walking, but should still avoid strenuous exercise. They may also begin to experience more itching and discomfort in the treated area and should continue to use ice packs as needed. Patients should not require any pain medication by this point, and you should avoid scratching the area. Cold compresses can be useful to minimise itching. Alternatively, applying a topical ointment can help relieve localised itchiness.
Week 3: By the third week, patients can typically begin to return to more normal activities but should still avoid any activities that cause pain or discomfort. They may also see some improvement in the swelling and discomfort in the treated area. The incisions should have fully healed by this stage, and the labiaplasty stitches will have dissolved. More active forms of exercise can be considered after a discussion with your surgeon. Any exercise that puts pressure on the incisions should be avoided. Tampons and sexual intercourse should be avoided.
Week 4 – 6: By the fourth week, most patients can return to normal activities, including exercise. They should be careful, however, and start with light exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration of their workouts as they feel comfortable. Most patients will have fully healed by now, with most bruising and swelling disappearing after six weeks. Certain types of more vigorous exercise, including lifting weights, may be allowed after six weeks, although you should check with your surgeon first.
Top tips for a quicker recovery after Labiaplasty
Here are some top tips for a fast recovery after labiaplasty:
- Follow your post-surgery instructions: Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to care for yourself after the surgery. Following these instructions carefully and thoroughly will help ensure a smooth and fast recovery.
- Keep the surgical area clean: It is important to keep it clean to prevent infection. You will be instructed on how to clean the area and change your dressings. You should also avoid having baths for at least a week after the surgery, and avoid sexual intercourse for at least six weeks.
- Take your medications as prescribed: You will likely be given pain medication to help manage discomfort after the surgery. It is important to take these medications as prescribed and to avoid taking any other medications without consulting with your surgeon.
- Rest and avoid strenuous activity: After the surgery, you will need to rest and avoid any strenuous activity for the first week. This will help reduce pain and swelling and prevent bleeding.
- Ice the surgical area: Applying ice packs to the surgical area can help reduce swelling and pain. For the first week or two after the surgery, apply ice packs for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
- Avoid swimming, saunas, or Jacuzzis. You will need to avoid immersing your body in hot water for long periods of time. Bathing should be avoided for at least six weeks after surgery. You may have a shower with lukewarm water to gently clean the surgical area. The area can be gently patted to minimise irritation of the incisions.
- Sleep on your back: you should sleep on your back for at least one week. It would help to place a pillow beneath your buttocks to minimise discomfort. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night and take a look at rest breaks throughout the day as needed.
- Avoid constipation: Constipation may increase stress on your healing incisions. Increase your water intake and focus on eating easily digestible foods high in natural fibre. You may take a probiotic combined with a laxative to minimise constipation if necessary.
- Gradually resume normal activities: As you start to feel better, you can gradually resume your normal activities. Start with light activities and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you feel comfortable.
- Follow-up with your surgeon: It is important to follow up with your surgeon as scheduled to ensure your recovery progresses as expected. If needed, your surgeon will monitor your healing and provide additional instructions and care.
How can I prepare for a labiaplasty?
Preparing for labiaplasty surgery can be helped by following the top tips below:
- Collect your prescriptions before the procedure
- Organise one week away from work
- Prepare a dedicated recovery space at home
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing
- Follow your surgeon’s recommendations on exercise after surgery
- Do your grocery shopping in the week before surgery
- Eat healthy foods and keep well hydrated
How long is labiaplasty recovery?
Labiaplasty recovery takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks, although it is important to bear in mind that every person is different and will heal at different speeds.
How long does labiaplasty swelling last?
Swelling after a Labiaplasty lasts for approximately two weeks.
RELATED: How to reduce labiaplasty swelling
How long will it take for labiaplasty incisions to heal?
Labiaplasty incisions take between two and three weeks to heal fully after surgery. You should try to keep the surgical area clean and dry during this period and avoid immersing your body underwater, including bathing, swimming and using hot tubs.
When will I see the final results of the labiaplasty surgery?
You’ll begin to see the final results of labiaplasty surgery approximately 6 to 8 weeks later.
When can I start walking after a labiaplasty?
We would encourage flight walks around the house immediately after the procedure to promote healthy blood circulation to the legs and minimise the risk of DVT.
When can I go back to exercising after labiaplasty surgery?
You may return to your normal exercise routine approximately six weeks after labiaplasty.
When can I have sex after a labiaplasty?
Sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, and you should check with your surgeon first before resuming sexual activity.
What type of underwear should I wear after a labiaplasty?
We recommend wearing loose cotton underwear for at least six weeks after surgery. For four weeks after surgery, avoid tightfitting underwear and thongs.
Can I wear a tampon after labiaplasty?
Tampons should be avoided for a minimum of six weeks after labiaplasty surgery, and tight clothing should also be avoided.
Is labiaplasty surgery painful?
Labiaplasty is associated with minimal pain and discomfort as long as you take your painkillers regularly during the first few days. Most women do not report significant discomfort after the first three days.
When can I shave or wax after labiaplasty surgery?
You should avoid shaving or waxing for a minimum of six weeks until you have fully healed from labiaplasty surgery. This will help to minimise the risk of postoperative infection from small cuts and grazes during shaving and waxing.
What are the best foods to eat after a labiaplasty?
You should eat plenty of green leafy vegetables with healthy sources of protein and fat, including nuts, seeds, avocados and fish. Avoid eating highly processed and salty foods, as this could exacerbate swelling and constipation. You should avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks after surgery to help with wound healing.
When can I play sports after labia surgery?
You may start playing sports approximately six weeks after surgery once you have fully healed.
When can I start stretching exercises after labiaplasty?
Stretching exercises can be restarted four weeks after labiaplasty. You should avoid stretching before this time as this could put undue pressure on the incisions.
How long can I walk after a labiaplasty?
For the first few days after surgery, walking should be limited to a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes. Avoiding overexertion could increase the risk of wound complications.
How can I maintain the results of my labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty results are considered permanent, and there are no particular actions you will need to take to maintain your results over time.
What is the best sleeping position after a labiaplasty?
It is recommended to sleep on your back with a pillow placed to leave the buttocks to minimise discomfort for at least the first two weeks after surgery.
When can I return to work after labiaplasty surgery?
Most patients can return to desk-based jobs approximately one week after a Labiaplasty. Try to get as much rest during the first week after surgery so you can have a fast recovery and a quicker return to exercise.
Labiaplasty surgery at Centre for Surgery
If you have been considering Labiaplasty Surgery, look no further than the Centre for Surgery in London. Our state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Marylebone is home to some of the best gynaecologists and plastic surgeons in the UK. We perform hundreds of labiaplasty procedures each year at our Baker Street clinic and have patient satisfaction rates exceeding 98%. Call us today to schedule an in-person consultation with an expert Surgeon at 020 7993 4849.
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