FaceTite uses subdermal radiofrequency skin tightening technology to address mild to moderate skin laxity affecting the face and neck. Patients can achieve firmer and tighter skin with a more contoured and defined look without requiring more invasive surgery such as a mini facelift. When researching the treatment, many patients are keen to learn about the cost of FaceTite in London and what factors can determine FaceTite prices.
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What is FaceTite?
FaceTite is a minimally invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy applied beneath the skin’s surface to treat loose or sagging skin. The treatment can effectively tighten and contour the skin for a more youthful appearance. FaceTite works by targeting collagen in the skin. Enhanced collagen contraction helps to make the skin tighter and firmer. The procedure triggers a cascade of wound-healing events which exerts a stimulatory effect on new collagen production. Increasing skin cell turnover leads to healthier, renewed skin. FaceTite results can last in excess of five years, with many patients extremely pleased with the outcome of treatment. The procedure can produce tissue reduction levels exceeding 65%, which compares very favourably with a mini facelift.
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FaceTite is most commonly combined with chin liposuction to target areas of excess fat beneath the chin, also known as a double chin. Early jowl formation can be treated for a more enhanced jawline with an increased definition in the lower face. Additional skin contraction can be achieved in combination with Morpheus8 radiofrequency microneedling. Morpheus8 achieves subdermal fat remodelling for a “shrink wrap” effect and perfectly compliments treatment with FaceTite for synergistic results not achievable with either treatment alone.
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FaceTite is beneficial for treating loose skin in areas of the face such as the cheeks, jowls, chin and neck. FaceTime can be combined with AccuTite for treating smaller, more delicate areas with smaller applicators, such as the upper and lower eyelids, brow lifts, nasolabial folds and jawline. The treatment is suitable for people in their early 40s and above.
Am I suitable for FaceTite?
Ideal candidates for FaceTite skin tightening are those who would like to address defined areas of mild to moderate skin laxity but otherwise have good overall skin elasticity and bone structure in the face and neck. Micro liposuction or MicroLipo can be combined with the treatment to address areas of excess fat. FaceTite is one of the best treatments to achieve effective skin tightening without requiring more invasive surgery, such as a facelift. Many patients may be either unsuitable or not keen on the idea of invasive surgery due to the extra risks involved. FaceTite fulfils an unmet clinical need for patients looking to achieve skin-tightening effects without the incisions or scars of a facelift. However, it is important to bear in mind that the results of FaceTite are not as dramatic as surgery.
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What to expect during FaceTite treatment
FaceTite is easily carried out with a local anaesthetic alone. Once the local anaesthetic has been administered, small incisions will be made to permit the insertion of the FaceTite probe just beneath the skin’s surface. The areas marked for treatment will be targeted with radio frequency energy. Gentle tissue heating beneath the skin helps to ensure effective skin tightening, and the doctor will determine the optimal temperature during the treatment depending on how much loose skin you have. The procedure takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the areas of treatment. A full face and neck treatment takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Compared with facelift surgery, the downtime after FaceTite is considered minimal. After the procedure, you will still have a small amount of bruising and swelling. Tissue swelling will improve within one week of treatment. Localised bruising may take up to 2 weeks to disappear. All patients should avoid strenuous exercise for at least two weeks after treatment. Most patients can expect 3 to 5 days of downtime following FaceTite treatment. Treatment of smaller areas requires much less downtime.
A significant improvement in the texture and tightness of the skin will be observed approximately one week following treatment. Most people can expect to see approximately 75% of the final result after six weeks. The final results of FaceTite are usually seen 3 to 4 months after treatment.
How long do FaceTite results last?
The results of FaceTite can last anywhere between 3 and 5 years, depending on the pre-existing level of skin elasticity. Treatment results can be enhanced by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including avoiding smoking and minimising sun exposure. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean protein and keeping well hydrated will also prolong the effect of treatment with FaceTite.
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What factors determine the cost of FaceTite?
Several factors may determine the cost of FaceTite in London. Well-localised areas of mild skin laxity involve a much shorter treatment with lower costs. People with more extensive areas of moderate skin laxity affecting the face and neck can expect to pay more. If the procedure is combined with micro liposuction, the cost of the procedure will increase. Your surgeon’s experience and clinic location will also determine FaceTite prices. The best way to get an accurate cost for FaceTite is to have an in-person consultation with one of our doctors here at Centre for Surgery in London. Once you have had your consultation, your dedicated Patient coordinator will give you a detailed quotation covering the surgical and facility fees. Choosing to have the procedure under general anaesthesia will involve additional anaesthetist fees.
FaceTite starts from £3000 at our Baker Street clinic.
FaceTite at Centre for Surgery
Centre for Surgery is the leading cosmetic surgery clinic in London. We are considered a centre of excellence for minimally invasive skin tightening treatments for the face and neck using FaceTite. Our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in Marylebone is one of the most advanced FaceTite clinics in the UK. Call us today on 020 7993 4849 or complete the contact form below to book a FaceTite consultation with an expert doctor.