What is a mini tummy tuck?
The mini tummy tuck is also known as a mini-abdominoplasty and is a body contouring procedure aimed at tightening the skin primarily in the area below the level of the umbilicus often involving a combination of skin excision and application of BodyTite radiofrequency skin tightening. The mini tummy tuck surgery is most appropriate for patients who have small, well-localised areas of skin laxity and excess fat in the lower part of the abdomen.
RELATED: Mini Tummy Tuck vs. Full Tummy Tuck – Understanding the Differences
How does a mini tummy tuck differ from a full abdominoplasty?
Mini tummy tucks are less commonly performed than full tummy tucks as they are most appropriate for patients with localised areas of loose skin below the belly button. A full tummy tuck, also known as Brazilian abdominoplasty, is a comprehensive surgical procedure aimed at removing excess abdominal skin to tighten the entire abdomen. It is often combined with liposuction to contour the flanks and hips. Women who have experienced pregnancy often notice the lower part of the abdomen to appear loose and wrinkly. The mini tummy tuck procedure can effectively correct the loose skin. Mini abdominoplasty surgery does not involve repositioning the belly button, unlike the Brazilian tummy tuck. The two procedures share similarities in that excess abdominal skin is removed, and liposuction is carried out. Rectus muscle plication, if performed for muscle bulging, is limited to the lower part of the abdomen in the mini tummy tuck procedure.
RELATED: Understanding the Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure
How do I decide between a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck?
Most patients considering tummy tuck surgery will have a full tummy tuck procedure as skin laxity and excessive fat is generalised to the whole abdomen. The incision for tummy tuck surgery is positioned as low as possible in the lower part of the abdomen and spans horizontally from one hit to another for effective removal of loose and wrinkly skin and excess fat deposits. Mini tummy tuck surgery is more appropriate for patients who have abdominal skin laxity localised to the lower part of the abdomen and otherwise do not have large deposits of excess fat. In this case, the incision for mini tummy tuck surgery is shorter in length compared with a full tummy tuck and is, therefore, only able to remove a small amount of skin. Women who have had a C-section may be ideal candidates for a mini-abdominoplasty as it is common for an extra fold of skin to persist above the C-section scar, and this may be obvious when viewed through many common items of clothing. Our surgeons are also experienced in Caesarean scar revision surgery, which can be combined with a mini tummy tuck in the same procedure.
RELATED: What does a mini tummy tuck involve?
What are the benefits and risks of mini tummy tuck surgery?
Our surgeons commonly get asked about the pros and cons of mini tummy tuck surgery. It’s important to bear in mind that a mini tummy tuck procedure is less invasive when compared with a full tummy tuck, and therefore, the recovery after a mini tummy tuck is much quicker compared with conventional tummy tuck surgery. The recovery after a full tummy tuck can take more than six weeks. Mini tummy tuck surgery is quicker to perform and is much more affordable compared with a Brazilian tummy tuck. Unlike a full tummy tuck, this surgery is designed to target skin laxity in the lower part of the abdomen. For patients who have skin laxity in the upper part of the abdomen or visible muscle bulging extending upwards above the belly button, a mini tummy tuck may not be the ideal treatment option.
At Centre for Surgery in London, our surgeons are experienced in all types of mini tummy tuck surgery, including a mini-abdominoplasty and will be able to advise on the most appropriate type of procedure after undertaking a full clinical assessment. If you are interested in learning more about mini tummy tuck surgery, we recommend you get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable patient coordinators to book a face-to-face consultation with an expert tummy tuck surgeon in London.
What do mini tummy tuck scars look like?
Mini tummy tuck surgery involves the formation of only one scar, which is positioned horizontally across the lower part of the abdomen. A full tummy tuck also involves an incision around the belly button. Generally, more skin can be removed depending on the length of the scar. For women with more extensive skin laxity, the incision may have to be longer to remove the excess skin, which often extends to the flanks. Mini tummy tuck scars are similar in length to a C-section scar and can be easily concealed in underwear. The body naturally forms better scars when incisions are placed horizontally rather than vertically. Some patients may have a degree of mons pubis fullness, and the incision can also incorporate this area to reduce fullness in the mons area. In some patients, particularly those with darker skin types, there may be a risk of prominent scar formation, including both hypertrophic scars and keloid scars.
RELATED: C Section Scar Revision
Women who have had a C-section previously may find they are ideal candidates for a mini-abdominoplasty to ensure effective removal of the redundant fold of skin, which is commonly located above the C-section scar. As with all types of cosmetic surgery at the Centre for Surgery, the abdominoplasty procedure can be carried out under general anaesthesia as a day case or, in some cases, can be carried out under a local anaesthetic with mild oral sedation. Unlike a full tummy tuck, surgical drains are not used for a mini tummy tuck procedure.
Is a mini tummy tuck safe?
When carried out by a highly skilled specialist Plastic Surgeon with experience in body contouring surgery and an accredited medical environment, the mini tummy tuck is a very safe procedure. Of course, all surgical procedures, including cosmetic surgery, carry certain risks and complications. These risks can be minimised by following the surgeon’s preoperative and post-operative instructions. Examples of complications that could occur after tummy tuck surgery include bleeding or infection. The development of a post-operative haematoma can be easily treated with needle aspiration or a minor surgical procedure to evacuate the small collection of blood. Surgical site infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics alone in most cases. Our post-operative nursing team are trained to manage patients after tummy tuck surgery and will closely monitor you in the first four weeks after your mini tummy tuck.
RELATED: Is A Mini Tummy Tuck Right For Me?
How much does a mini tummy tuck cost?
Mini tummy tuck prices will depend on whether liposuction is to be combined with the procedure and if a mini tummy tuck will be combined with another type of procedure, such as a breast augmentation or breast uplift. The combination of a tummy tuck with breast surgery is also known as a mummy makeover and is a very commonly performed surgical procedure at Centre for Surgery in London. Mini tummy tuck in London typically starts from £3500 and is often no more than £5500 if the Surgery has been carried out alone. Once you have had your face-to-face consultation with a surgeon, your dedicated patient coordinator will be able to give you accurate procedure costs.