Eye bags under the eyes most commonly appear as puffiness or swelling. Many people complain of bags under the eyes, and their appearance is due to the ageing process. Many people may develop a loss of self-confidence when they get eyebags. Fortunately, here at the Centre for Surgery, we have a range of effective treatments designed to get rid of eyebags, including tear trough filler, AccuTite, and eye bag removal surgery.
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What are the causes of eye bags under the eyes?
The most common cause of eye bags is the natural ageing process. As we age, the skin and soft tissue around the eyes begin to thin due to a loss of the protein collagen. The supporting muscles also begin to weaken and stretch. Fat pads are normally found within the lower eyelids and act as a supportive scaffold to ensure the proper functioning of the lower eyelids. When this fat becomes displaced, it may cause the lower eyelids to appear more swollen and puffy. The area immediately below the eyes may also become swollen due to fluid accumulation, making the appearance of swelling appear worse.
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Eye bags also develop in people who do not get enough sleep, smoke, drink excessive quantities of alcohol and eat a diet high in salt. Excessive amounts of time spent in the sun may also result in sun damage and the premature appearance of eye bags under the eyes. Women who fail to adequately remove make-up before going to bed may develop localised skin irritation of the thin skin beneath the eye, which may increase the risk of developing bags under the eyes. Certain types of allergies may increase the risk of localised swelling of the islands, which may weaken the skin and result in the appearance of eye bags. Many people may be born with eye bags, which are linked to genetics.
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Although bags under the eyes do not interfere with vision, in some instances, they may develop as a result of localised infection or other generalised medical problems. A clinical assessment from a specialist medical consultant will help determine the cause of the under-eye bags.
What is the best way to get rid of eye bags from under the eyes in men?
Men are just as likely to develop eyebags as women, and there are several practical interventions that men can carry out to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Making healthy lifestyle changes, including reducing alcohol intake and quitting smoking, are excellent first steps. Men should also ensure they get a good night’s sleep and maintain a healthy and nutritious diet with plenty of water to keep themselves hydrated. Although these are sensible lifestyle recommendations for anyone, any improvement in the appearance of under-eye bags should be viewed as temporary.
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We recommend avoiding any products advertised online that claim to reduce the appearance of puffy areas under the eyes. There are countless lotions and creams that are not inexpensive and, in most cases, fail to produce noticeable results.
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What is the best way to permanently remove bags under the eyes?
We recommend eyelid surgery as the best treatment for permanently eliminating eye bags. This procedure suits women and men of all ages.
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What is the best treatment for eye bags?
Eye bag removal surgery involves making incisions beneath the lower eyelid, followed by removing displaced fat pads and removing excess skin. The incisions are then closed with dissolvable stitches, and the surgeon takes great care in positioning any scars in the natural skin folds of the lower eyelid.
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Eye Bag Removal at Centre for Surgery
Centre for Surgery is renowned as a centre of excellence for eye bag removal surgery, and our surgeons carry out many of these procedures each year. The procedure takes approximately 90 minutes to carry out, and patients will be able to continue their recovery at home later the same day. Studies have shown that day-case surgery results in better surgical outcomes and a lower risk of complications, including wound infection. You will be reviewed by a member of our nursing team approximately five days after your procedure for a review of your incisions and to give postoperative advice to ensure you get the best recovery after your eye bag surgery.