Substantial improvements in breast implant design and manufacture have occurred over the past 10 to 15 years. In the early days of breast implants, traditional silicone-filled implants were often associated with a high risk of complications. In cases where the breast implant ruptured, the internal silicone material had more of a fluid-like consistency, and it was, therefore, possible for the released silicone to migrate to other parts of the body.
RELATED: Breast Implant Check
With the recent release of the new fourth-generation silicone breast implants, thankfully, these sorts of risks are much rarer, and breast augmentation has become a very safe procedure to carry out with good long-term outcomes. The latest breast implants have a “highly cohesive” consistency. The term “highly cohesive” refers to the fact that the internal silicone gel maintains its original shape even when an external deforming force is applied. This means that even if there was an implant rupture, the internal gel would not leak out and spread to other parts of the body. The natural feel of the breast implant is also preserved along with essential safety characteristics.
It is now commonly observed that detecting breast implant rupture, especially small ruptures in the newer generation breast implants from Mentor and Motiva, can be very difficult to detect, as the physical integrity of breast implants has markedly improved. Once a breast implant has ruptured, the breast implant must be removed. Breast implant removal is often followed by the replacement of a brand-new breast implant as part of a combined procedure.
Many medical authorities recommend that patients who have new-generation silicone breast implants have an MRI scan of their breast implants approximately every five years to make sure that they remain fully intact. In reality, the uptake of MRI scans is relatively low. It is often not straightforward to book an MRI appointment, especially in the NHS. Waiting times can be long, and if you choose private treatment, then the costs of the scans can be in the £1000-£1500 range.
At Centre for Surgery, we have the ideal solution to make sure that your breast implants are closely monitored to ensure their integrity over time. We now offer high-resolution ultrasound scans of patients who have breast implants that can be performed at our clinic. They are very easy and are carried out by one of our specialist sonographers. The advantage of high-resolution ultrasound scans is that with our modern scanning system, we are able to achieve the same level of diagnostic efficacy as can be achieved with an MRI scan. The United States Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, has recently announced that this state-of-the-art technology is just as effective as an MRI scan of the breast and is a suitable replacement.
What is the cost of an Ultrasound scan of breast implants?
Many patients will have budgeted for the cost of a breast augmentation procedure and will either pay from their savings or by using one of our medical finance plans. Very few patients will have accounted for the cost of having MRI scans of their breasts every 3 to 5 years. In our experience, many women express concerns about possible implant rupture much earlier than three years after their procedure, whether from sustaining a possible injury to the breast or from a concern that something does not seem right.
Patients who have their breast augmentation procedure at Centre for Surgery can now have ultrasound breast implant checks at our Baker Street clinic. If you are concerned in any way about the integrity of your breast implants and are worried that they could be ruptured or you think you could be developing capsular contracture, our ultrasound breast implant scans will be able to identify any problems. The procedure itself is quick to perform, does not cause any pain and gives immense peace of mind to patients concerned about possible implant rupture.
If a breast implant rupture is detected, you’ll be booked in urgently to see your surgeon to talk through the potential options for breast implant removal and breast implant replacement surgery, also known as implant exchange.
Many patients will have had breast augmentation surgery with a different provider. However, you can still book an ultrasound scan with us. The cost of the scan would be £600.
Our treatment philosophy is to provide our patients with the most advanced gold-standard technology available in order to optimise patient outcomes. If you are considering breast augmentation surgery for the first time, you are concerned you may have a possible implant rupture, or you were just like the peace of mind through the benefits a normal scan provides, then call us today to book a free no-obligation consultation with an expert practitioner at Centre for Surgery in London.