How long do breast implants last?
The latest generation of breast implants has a much longer lifespan than older breast implant designs, with ten years being the typical lifespan of a breast implant. In many cases, some women have had breast implants for much longer than ten years with no problems. For patients who do not report any issues with their implants even after ten years, there is no need to undergo breast implant removal unless you decide that you no longer want them. Several factors can affect the appearance of your breasts, including pregnancy and breastfeeding, the ageing process, changes in weight and menopause. Many women often decide after a while that they just no longer want to have breast implants, and they can undergo breast implant removal or breast implant replacement, depending on their needs. If your breast implants are not causing any problems, there is no specific period to have them removed and replaced.
How to finance breast implants
What are the different types of breast implants?
Nowadays, there are a wide variety of different types of breast implants that the surgeon can select for the breast enlargement procedure. The most common shapes of implants or round implants or teardrop implants. The shape of the implant will often determine the appearance of the breast, with teardrop implants thought to have a more natural-looking appearance. Breast implants also have several different surface coatings, with the most common ones being smooth or textured. Textured implants are no longer recommended in the UK, having been replaced by microtextured implants. Finally, implants have different projections or profiles, from moderate to high-profile. High-profile implants project further outwards compared with moderate-profile implants.
What do breast implants contain?
Breast implants most commonly come in two different types, the saline implant and the silicone implant. Saline breast implants contain a saltwater solution, whereas silicone implants are composed of a highly cohesive specialised medical-grade silicone gel. Saline breast implants are no longer used in the UK and have been superseded by silicone breast implants. Silicone breast implants are thought to have a more natural-looking feel when compared with saline breast implants.
How to choose the right size of breast implant?
At your breast augmentation consultation, your surgeon will examine you and get you to try on a series of breast sizes to determine the correct size of breast implants for your body frame. The breast sizers are placed inside a specialist bra, which you can then wear to decide whether or not you like them. At Centre for Surgery, our consultations are 45 minutes long to allow a detailed clinical assessment. This will enable you to ask as many questions as you like to completely understand what the procedure involves. The surgeon can also build up a more accurate picture of your expectations for surgery and what you would like to achieve from the Breast augmentation procedure. You are more than welcome to return for a follow-up consultation if you are still unsure about any aspect of the procedure.
Breast Augmentation For Older Women
Are breast implants the only way to increase breast size?
Breast implants are the most popular method of enhancing the size of the breasts. Many patients may not be keen on artificial silicone implants and the option of breast fat transfer is an excellent alternative. Fat transfer breast enlargement is designed to increase the size of the breast using fat grafting. Fat is first removed from areas containing excessive fat deposits using liposuction before re-injection into the breast. Patients will need to have sufficient fat reserves to permit adequate fat transfer. The procedure may not be ideal for excessively slim patients with minimal amounts of body fat. Patients who are looking for a significant increase in the size of their breasts, and the most suitable option is breast enlargement with implants.
Breast Implants vs Fat Transfer
Can I breastfeed if I have breast implants?
Breast implant surgery is not associated with problems with breastfeeding in the vast majority of cases, provided your breasts have been healthy and with functional milk ducts before undergoing breast implant surgery. Patients who have combined procedures such as breast implants with a breast lift or an inverted nipple correction may have a higher risk of developing an inability to breastfeed, although the risk is still very low overall. Our experienced breast enlargement surgeons perform the full range of cosmetic press procedures, which are designed to preserve the ability to breastfeed after having had breast implants.
Is breast implant surgery painful?
Thanks to modern anaesthetic techniques, the vast majority of patients who have had breast implant surgery are very comfortable immediately after their procedure, and any minor discomfort can be easily controlled with prescription painkillers prescribed to you by your surgeon. At our state-of-the-art day surgery facility in London, we specialise in performing local anaesthetic nerve blocks to minimise any pain or discomfort during and after the surgery. The local anaesthetic effect can last for up to 2 days, allowing you to rest and recover much more quickly than traditional breast implant surgery carried out in the hospital setting.
What happens if my breast implant ruptures?
Breast implant rupture is increasingly rare, especially with modern-generation breast implants, which are manufactured with a cohesive silicone gel. If a breast implant rupture were to occur, such as from a traumatic injury to the breast, the vast majority of patients would be aware that the breast implant has ruptured. The most common symptoms of breast implant rupture include a hard feeling in the breast, a change in the size or shape of the implant, and pain and discomfort may be experienced with localised swelling being visible. The optimum way to determine if your breast implants have ruptured is to consult your surgeon face-to-face. Your plastic surgeon may then refer you to have an ultrasound scan or an MRI scan. We are fortunate at Centre for Surgery to have in-house ultrasound facilities.
Can I still have a mammogram if I have breast implants?
It is essential to continue attending routine breast screening where a mammogram may be performed. We would advise notifying the radiographer that you have breast implants at your appointment. The radiographer will then apply a unique method to ensure a proper X-ray of your breasts is taken. This is known as the Eklund method and refers to compressing the breasts against the X-ray plate for patients who have silicone breast implants to ensure the image is as clear as possible. X-ray mammograms do not affect your breast implants.
Do breast implants cause weight gain?
Breast implants come in a variety of different sizes, and bigger implants weigh more. Breast implants are conventionally measured in cc’s, and each 100cc of breast implant corresponds to approximately 0.25lbs in weight. A 400cc implant would, therefore, weigh 1lb with a pair of implants weighing 2 lb. This is just under a 1kg increase in weight. The vast majority of patients are not concerned about the weight of their implants and do not notice their bodies feeling heavier. It is common after any type of surgery, including breast implant surgery, for fluid retention to occur for the first few days after the procedure, so there may be a slight increase in weight during this period, but this will rapidly normalise after one week.
Will breast implants improve my sex life?
Many published research studies consistently report a significant improvement in sexual satisfaction following breast implant surgery. The underlying reason for this is most commonly due to the substantial improvement in self-confidence and emotional well-being rather than the breast implants themselves. Breast implant surgery allows a woman to develop a healthy attitude towards the body. Women may have felt low self-esteem before surgery, which could have impacted their ability to enjoy intimate acts. Breast implant surgery should not be viewed as a guaranteed way to improve one’s sex life but should be viewed as an investment in yourself as a path towards renewed self-confidence. It is essential to decide to have breast implant surgery by yourself and not be influenced by anyone else.
How much does breast implant surgery cost?
Breast implants cost depends on several factors and we believe the price of breast implants should not be your primary factor for basing your decision on proceeding with Surgery. Centre for Surgery are one of the most experienced providers of breast implant surgery in London, and we offer the best package of care, including:
- In-depth consultations directly with a consultant plastic surgeon with specialist expertise in cosmetic breast surgery
- Lifetime guarantee for Sebbin implants with coverage for both capsular contracture and implant rupture
- State-of-the-art day surgery facility in the heart of Central London
- An experienced post-operative nursing team is available to see you at any point after your procedure if you have any questions or concerns.
- Over 95% patient satisfaction rates with hundreds of verified five-star Google and Trustpilot reviews
- Breast Augmentation Before And After Photos
- Breast implants frequently asked questions
At Centre for Surgery, breast implant surgery costs from £4995, and the exact pricing will be confirmed after your face-to-face consultation.
Please get in touch today to book a consultation with an expert breast surgeon in London on 0207 993 4849, or you can complete the contact form below.