A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of our most popular procedures at the Centre for Surgery. After seeing tummy tuck results online, you can see why it is such a popular procedure. When conducting online research to find the best tummy tuck surgeon and clinic, it can sometimes be tricky to identify accurate medical information, given the wealth of information available on the Internet these days. In many cases, patients may often end up with more questions than before they started and have no clear answers to some of their most common concerns about the procedure.
We are renowned for our expertise in abdominoplasty surgery in London, and our plastic surgeons carry out hundreds of these procedures each year. We are one of the most experienced cosmetic surgery clinics for tummy tuck surgery in London and probably the UK. Suppose you have any unanswered questions about tummy tuck surgery and what it involves. In that case, we are here to answer all your questions so you can build up an accurate picture of all aspects of the procedure, including tummy tuck recovery.
What are the benefits of having a full tummy tuck?
Most patients are aware that tummy tucks are an invasive cosmetic surgery procedure and often ask if they can achieve great results with a mini tummy tuck alone or if they will require a full tummy tuck.
We think it’s entirely understandable why this question gets asked so often. Tummy tuck procedures result in a scar often 20 cm or longer. Although mini tummy tuck surgery is a minor procedure associated with a smaller scar and a quicker recovery time, the procedure may not be appropriate in your particular case, especially if you have significant skin laxity and muscle weakness.
The key differences between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck are based on how much excess skin needs to be removed and whether patients will require abdominal muscle tightening for rectus diastasis. Mini tummy tucks are brilliant for patients with moderate amounts of loose skin, primarily in the lower part of the abdomen and with no muscle bulging, also known as rectus diastasis.
Many patients will have lost dramatic amounts of weight, which commonly results in the development of wrinkly and loose skin. For many women who have recently had childbirth, the abdominal muscles may get weakened due to significant stretching. The abdominal bulging will need surgical repair to create a flat stomach. The only effective treatment in these cases is a full tummy tuck. Mini tummy tuck surgery will not be sufficient to correct these problems.
The best way to determine the correct treatment is to have a face-to-face consultation with an experienced tummy tuck surgeon in London. The surgeon will begin by listening to your concerns and learning more about your expectations for treatment and aesthetic goals. After a physical examination, your surgeon can advise on the best type of tummy tuck for you to get optimal results. Tummy tuck scars significantly improve with proper post-operative care regardless of whether you have had a full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. Over the first 6 to 9 months, the tummy tuck scar will gradually flatten and fade to a pale white colour.
How to choose the best abdominoplasty surgeon?
We would always recommend patients conduct as much research as possible on the right choice of surgeon for their tummy tuck procedure. Even by reading this article, you are on the right track to getting the best information about tummy tuck surgery. Finding the best tummy tuck surgeon in London is something you can find at Centre for Surgery in London, where we are home to some of the UK’s top tummy tuck surgeons.
Many patients may plan to travel overseas to have abdominoplasty in Turkey. We strongly recommend having treatment carried out locally so that continuity of care is in place from the beginning of your patient journey to the end. It is ideal for the same surgeon to perform your first consultation, carry out your final post-operative check, and everything in between. Tummy tuck recovery takes time, and 9 to 12 months is generally accepted as the timeframe needed for tummy tuck healing.
Many patients are tempted to travel overseas, especially to Turkey, given the prices are much cheaper than in the UK. We always emphasise to all our patients that they should never cut corners regarding their bodies. Many clinics in Turkey do not have the same medical standards as in the UK, and if there are complications after tummy tuck surgery, you will be unlikely to receive treatment from the NHS or a private surgeon in the UK. You most likely would have to travel back to Turkey to have your complications treated.
At Centre for Surgery, we pride ourselves on providing the highest standards of medical care with a highly trained preoperative and post-operative nursing team to support our surgeon at all stages of your patient journey with us. This means the risks of complications occurring after tummy tuck surgery are minimal, as we will be able to review you the same day if you have any concerns about your healing after the surgery. This ensures you get the very best possible tummy tuck results.
Once you have decided on your choice of tummy tuck surgeon, you may have already had the first consultation and enquired about the surgeon’s qualifications and experience in carrying out an abdominoplasty surgery. We recommend asking to view the before and after photos of the tummy tuck to show you how to look after the surgery. These tips should help you feel entirely at ease knowing that you have chosen the right surgeon to carry out your abdominoplasty.
Abdominoplasty surgery is a significant procedure. You want to feel comfortable with your choice of surgeon and that your clinic is available at all times to support you throughout your patient journey and give you the vital support you need, especially when you may have concerns about your healing. In the vast majority of cases, early post-operative checkups help to prevent and minimise most potential complications. Our post-operative nursing team is available around the clock to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
What happens on the day of my tummy tuck procedure?
The big day has finally arrived, and you have decided on the best abdominoplasty surgeon in London. Many patients naturally ask what is involved on the day of the procedure. Once you have been booked in for your procedure, our preoperative nursing team will conduct a face-to-face clinical assessment to ensure you are medically fit for the tummy tuck procedure and will give you a preoperative information pack that details how to prepare for your tummy tuck procedure. There will also be information on lifestyle measures and dietary advice, including specific vitamins you may be recommended to take to optimise healing after surgery.
Active smokers must stop smoking a minimum of four weeks before the tummy tuck procedure and avoid smoking during the recovery period. Smoking significantly impairs your tissue circulation and can slow healing significantly. Patients who successfully stop smoking funny can increase their chances of getting the best possible results with minimal complications.
On the day of your procedure, you should have a family member or a close friend to bring you to our Baker Street clinic. One of our nursing team members will admit you before you are taken to the operating theatre. You will be placed under a general anaesthetic, and the tummy tuck surgery will occur. Full tummy tucks take, on average, between 2 to 3 hours and may take longer if combined with a Liposuction as part of a Brazilian tummy tuck. Mini tummy tuck surgery takes between one to 2 hours to carry out and, in some cases, can be carried out under local anaesthetic with oral sedation. Once the procedure has been completed, you will wake up in our designated recovery area by our specialist nursing team, who will monitor you closely until you are medically fit for discharge. Depending on the type of tummy tuck procedure you had, most patients go home within a few hours after the procedure.
Is tummy tuck recovery painful?
Compared with other cosmetic surgery procedures, such as breast augmentation, the recovery after a tummy tuck can be a bit longer and associated with slightly more discomfort. Fortunately, our post-operative nursing team is highly experienced in managing tummy tuck patients. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to start returning to your normal daily activities; however, this differs between patients. Our nurses have seen some patients return to work after only two weeks. Still, most patients often give themselves about four weeks before they restart their normal activities of daily living, including exercise. Tummy tuck surgery can also be combined with liposuction in some cases.
In the first 2 to 3 days after the procedure, it is common to experience swelling in your abdomen, which may be associated with mild discomfort. Your surgeon will have prescribed effective painkillers for you to take regularly for the first week after your surgery. Your surgeon will also inject a local anaesthetic into the abdomen, significantly improving your comfort for the first few days after surgery. The benefit of having local anaesthetic injected into the area of the abdominoplasty surgery is that you shouldn’t feel any significant pain and with a reduced need to take pain medication. Some pain medications carry unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and constipation. The impact of the local anaesthetic means patients can spare themselves the side effects of these medicines.
The fundamental principle to remember with a tummy tuck recovery is that it takes time but provided you remain patient and follow the surgeon’s post-operative instructions, the final results will look fantastic. Tummy tuck surgery is a significant undertaking and, therefore, requires a sufficiently long period for recovery and healing. Tummy tuck results do not happen overnight. All patients should take it easy and not too much too soon, and always listen to their bodies during the first 4 to 6 weeks to minimise the risk of complications. We recommend giving yourself between nine months to 1 year to allow full tummy tuck results to appear. Although this sounds like a long time, your significant investment in your body will make it all worth it.
How much does a tummy tuck cost in London?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions. Before booking in, many patients are keen to know the average cost of tummy tuck surgery in London or what the price of a tummy tuck in the UK at Centre for Surgery could be. Most patients will need to determine the affordability of a tummy tuck, and it is reasonable to have a rough idea of how much a tummy tuck procedure costs before embarking on your journey.
Starting prices for a full tummy tuck are generally £6500, while for a mini tummy tuck, prices begin at £5000. They should be viewed as a rough guide only. If you’ve had a face-to-face consultation with one of our surgeons, you will meet with the patient coordinator after the consultation, giving you an accurate tummy tuck price. Providing final prices for tummy tuck surgery before consultation is impossible as every patient is different. Some patients may have a larger body mass index and require liposuction combined with a tummy tuck, increasing the procedure’s cost. At Centre for Surgery, our surgeons are renowned for tailoring every procedure to match the patient’s requirements.
Liposuction combined with a tummy tuck, also known as a Brazilian tummy tuck, usually starts from £8500. We are known for providing all-inclusive prices at Centre for Surgery. The final cost of your procedure will include the anaesthetist fee, all surgical equipment and consumables and other facility costs, including the surgeons and nursing costs.
We emphasised earlier how crucial it is to have the same surgeon manage your care from start to finish. The cost of tummy tuck surgery includes all preoperative and post-operative care with unlimited post-operative appointments with nurses available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer any questions about the procedure or your recovery. We pride ourselves on always being available for you to support you throughout your patient journey with us.
If you have already decided to explore how a tummy tuck could benefit you, please get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable patient coordinators on 020 7993 4849 to book a tummy tuck consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons in London.