Do you have a ‘muffin top’ that you just can’t get rid of? A muffin top is that stubborn layer of fat on your abdomen, which often becomes more apparent when you wear tighter clothing such as jeans. Sometimes, this area of body fat can seem particularly stubborn and will not disappear no matter how much exercise you do or how healthy your diet is. This can often leave people feeling frustrated and unhappy with their appearance. If this sounds like you, it will be good to know there is a solution to your problem – muffin top liposuction.
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Can I have muffin top liposuction?
- You may be eligible for muffin-top liposuction if you have a stubborn layer of excess fat around the abdomen area that you have been unable to lose through other methods, such as exercise and healthy eating.
Prior to undergoing any surgical procedure, you will have a consultation with one of our surgeons at 95-97 Baker Street, who will assess whether or not you are an appropriate candidate for muffin top liposuction.
To be considered for muffin top liposuction, you will need to:
- Be 18 years or older
- Have a BMI under 30
- Be at a stable weight
- Be a non-smoker, or stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery, and stop throughout the recovery period.
Potential patients are encouraged to lose weight prior to having surgery if they are overweight. Those who have a BMI over 30 may not be suitable for this procedure. If you have too much excess fat, you may have problems with skin elasticity and may require skin excision, such as a tummy tuck, to remove any excess skin. We encourage you to be as close to your ideal weight as possible.
RELATED: What is the difference between liposuction and a tummy tuck?
What does muffin top liposuction involve?
Muffin top liposuction can be performed under a local anaesthetic, meaning you are awake throughout the whole procedure and will not feel any pain or discomfort. However, some people do not like the idea of being awake throughout a surgical procedure. In these cases, you will be given a general anaesthetic so that you will be asleep for the procedure.
A muffin top liposuction is performed as a day case, so you can go home on the same day as the surgery once the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off. At Centre for Surgery in London, our surgeons use a method for liposuction known as tumescent liposuction combined with powered cannulas. This involves injecting a diluted local anaesthetic solution into the surgical area – in this instance, the abdomen. This makes the area swollen and firm, otherwise referred to as tumescent. Doing this numbs the area, so you cannot feel any pain or discomfort. This method helps to eliminate bleeding during the procedure, meaning there are fewer side effects following the procedure, including less bruising and swelling. Once the local anaesthetic has been injected, small incisions are made, and a fine suction cannula is inserted, removing excess fat deposits. Once this is finished, the incisions will be closed and a compression garment will be placed over the abdomen.
What will the recovery period be like after muffin top liposuction?
Following the procedure, it is normal to experience some bruising, swelling, and mild discomfort. You can take pain medication to help alleviate any symptoms if necessary. You will have to wear a compression garment, which will help to keep the abdomen in shape. It will also reduce any swelling, which helps to speed up the recovery time. During this time, it is important that you get lots of rest. You will have to ensure you do not sleep on your front. Instead, make sure you sleep on your back. The incisions made will be very small. They may be more noticeable after the surgery; however, with time, the size and colour will fade, and any scar will be less visible. You may have to take a few days off work in order to fully recover. The amount of time will vary from person to person and will depend on what type of job you have and how much fat you have removed. If you have a physically demanding job you may need to take more time off work. You will have to avoid strenuous physical exercise, including any heavy lifting, for at least four weeks. After this point, you can resume your usual day-to-day activities.
Are you interested in muffin top liposuction? Surgeons at Centre for Surgery carry out all types of liposuction. Contact us today to find out more or to book a consultation.