Getting rid of cellulite is one of the most popular requests from patients who come to see us. Cellulite can result in an unsightly appearance and causes many people to lose self-confidence in their appearance. Cellulite is a very prevalent condition in the UK, with up to nine in ten women suffering from varying degrees of cellulite affecting their thighs and buttocks. Although cellulite occurs most commonly in women, the condition can also affect men, with up to one in five men being affected.
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Many treatments claim to get rid of cellulite with varying degrees of effectiveness. Often, people tend to treatments which can be purchased online, although the vast majority of these have no proven efficacy in the treatment of cellulite. Many people find themselves unable to wear certain items of clothing, which may cause them to feel embarrassed. Wearing clothes to cover the arms and legs in summer is not uncommon, and extensive cellulite may cause many women to have difficulties in having intimate relationships. Centre for Surgery in London specialise in an effective treatment for cellulite known as CelluTite for permanent and effective removal of dimpled and pitted skin.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite affects the skin in both women and men, although it affects women much more commonly. Although cellulite is not a dangerous condition, many people who have cellulite often experience significant emotional distress with anxiety and depression. The skin often appears dimpled and lumpy and can be significantly unsightly. Classic cases of cellulite often resemble the appearance of orange peel due to the appearance of pitted skin.
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Mild forms of cellulite can easily be identified by using your finger and thumb to raise up areas of skin affected by cellulite. More extensive forms of cellulite are easily visible, and the skin has an uneven and puckered appearance. Besides being a cosmetic nuisance, cellulite does not result in pain or discomfort and is not linked with any serious underlying conditions. People seek treatment to get rid of cellulite because of the enormous loss of self-confidence it can result in. People may have a fear of exposing the parts of the body affected by cellulite, and this can result in mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.
What are the causes of cellulite?
It is unusual to pinpoint what causes cellulite to find ways of preventing the condition from developing. The underlying problem that characterises cellulite is the formation of vertical fibrous bands that tether the skin to the underlying muscle, with subcutaneous fat lying in between. As this fat layer gets larger, the fat cells bulge upwards against the undersurface of the skin while the fibrous cords simultaneously exert inward traction on the skin. The end result is a lumpy, pitted area of skin with diffuse areas of uneven bumps.
People who are obese or overweight may notice their cellulite to be highly visible compared with slimmer people. Even people who have a normal body mass index may still suffer from cellulite. Cellulite is not related to weight and levels of physical conditioning. Patients who have a sedentary lifestyle may be more likely to suffer from cellulite if there are other contributing factors, such as genetics and hormonal fluctuations. In many cases, cellulite runs in families, and there is very little that can be done to prevent cellulite from occurring in these cases.
Which parts of the body does cellulite affect?
Cellulite can affect many areas of the body. People often seek medical advice when cellulite appears on areas of skin that are visible in certain types of clothing, such as swimwear. Many people with more severe forms of cellulite may avoid wearing revealing items of clothing completely to avoid potential embarrassment when out and about in warm weather. In addition to the commonly affected areas of cellulite legs, cellulite bum, or cellulite stomach, cellulite is often found affecting the thighs, hips, or breasts.
People affected by cellulite legs can develop a significant loss of self-confidence as they often feel the need to cover up fully when out in public. Women will often stay away from low-cut dresses or swimwear, whilst men may avoid wearing shorts in the summer. Women affected by cellulite bum may have difficulty forming intimate relationships as they often feel highly self-conscious when showing their bodies to their partners. Stretchmarks on the stomach commonly coexist with cellulite stomach and can be effectively treated with CelluTite at Centre for Surgery in London.
What are the surgical options for removing cellulite?
Many people may have tried a variety of non-invasive treatments, often purchased online, without any success in removing cellulite. They may then express interest in the potential surgical treatments to remove cellulite. Although cellulite is a harmless condition with no link to serious medical diseases, it can place enormous emotional strain on those who suffer from severe forms of cellulite.
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Although liposuction alone is not a treatment to get rid of cellulite, cellulite can be effectively improved when combined with fat transfer, also known as fat grafting. Treatment works by using lipo to physically disrupt and extract fat cells using specialised respiration cannulas in the areas affected by cellulite. The removed fat can then fill the areas affected by cellulite depressions, giving smoother and firm-looking skin. The treatment is often combined with subcision to physically disrupt the vertical fibrous cords, helping to get rid of the bumpy look of the skin.
What is the best option to get rid of cellulite permanently?
Centre for Surgery specialises in the most effective treatment for cellulite with CelluTite. CelluTite is a minimally invasive radiofrequency skin tightening treatment that physically disrupts the cellulite tissue, which is responsible for causing skin puckering coupled with tightening of the skin, resulting in a smoother appearance without bumps. CelluTite is the only effective treatment that produces long-term results without more invasive surgery. Patients may also combine this procedure with liposuction, mainly if they are overweight, to get the best cellulite treatment results.
Cellulite sufferers can gain peace of mind knowing their condition can be treated with a minimally invasive permanent solution. If you would like to learn more, contact us today to book a consultation with a cellulite specialist to determine if this treatment is suitable for you.
Are home-based treatments effective in treating cellulite?
We would not recommend the treatment of satellite at home as many treatments found online are ineffective and have no proven data to support their effectiveness in getting rid of cellulite. Certain measures patients can take for a mild and temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite include:
- Cellulite specialist garments—Patients can now purchase cellulite leggings that are claimed to target cellulite by applying a compression force around the areas affected by cellulite.
- Topical cellulite creams—Retinol-containing creams may temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite by inducing a thickening of the epidermal layer of the skin to mask the appearance of skin bumps.
- Massage therapies—While massage is useful for improving well-being, it is thought to be beneficial in promoting more effective lymphatic drainage and reducing the appearance of dimpled skin.
- Physical exercise—Although regular exercise will not get rid of cellulite, people can expect an improvement in muscle strength, which is linked with enhanced muscle tone, which may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin.
Suppose you are affected by the appearance of cellulite. In that case, we recommend contacting us today at 020 7993 4849 to arrange a face-to-face consultation with one of our expert practitioners at Centre for Surgery. We are one of the few providers in the UK to specialise in treatment designed to permanently eliminate cellulite with CelluTite.