There are several ways to reduce body fat, with both non-surgical and surgical options available. With an enormous variety of fat-busting treatments out there, it can be challenging to identify what works. We believe it is essential to start with the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, including eating a healthy diet and carrying out regular physical exercise. Once these good habits are in place, you will be better positioned to derive optimal benefit from any fat removal treatment.
Specific interventions will help burn fat, including eliminating sweetened drinks, reducing your consumption of refined carbohydrates such as white bread, increasing your intake of whole-grain food products and eating mono-unsaturated fats such as avocados, seeds and nuts. All these foods will help to lose weight. Certain types of fats, such as avocados, may also help get rid of belly fat and achieve a flat stomach when combined with regular exercise.
Many types of exercise routines suit individuals’ lifestyles; however, one of the most effective workouts is combining cardiovascular exercise with resistance training to reduce fat and increase muscle for people with busy lifestyles unable to commit to the recommended 150 minutes a week, high-intensity interval training can be carried out in as little as 15 to 20 minutes at a time and can help to burn fat just as well as longer workout routines.
Despite eating all the right foods and exercising regularly, many people are simply unable to shift stubborn areas of fat. Liposuction surgery is highly beneficial in these cases to contour and sculpt most areas of the body and will result in a small amount of weight loss. However, liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment in itself. Centre for Surgery in Marylebone is home to some of the UK’s top body contouring surgeons. We are available to assist you in achieving that contoured and sculpted physique you have always dreamed of having.
How to lose chest fat
Many men develop a condition known as gynecomastia which refers to the development of excessive glandular tissue in the chest and is often known by its alternative name of ‘man boobs’. The most common cause of gynecomastia is an underlying hormonal imbalance with reduced male hormone levels and raised levels of oestrogen.
RELATED: Gynecomastia vs Chest fat
In many cases, excess glandular tissue will coexist with fatty tissue, giving rise to an untoned and flabby chest appearance. Men who have excess fat deposits on their chest are also known as pseudogynecomastia. Hereditary factors can be responsible for the development of excessive fat on male chests. Every man is different and will tend to accumulate fat in other areas of the body. One of the best ways to get rid of chest fat is to eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and carry out regular physical exercise. A suitable exercise routine should encompass cardiovascular exercise and resistance training targeting the chest muscles. Specific exercises that target the chest muscles and help burn chest fat include bench presses and push-ups.
Centre for Surgery is an expert in male breast reduction surgery, which involves liposuction to remove stubborn male chest fat effectively. Surgical excision can also be combined with the same procedure to remove glandular tissue. Liposuction alone is unable to remove glandular tissue. Gynecomastia surgery is designed to improve the appearance of the male chest, resulting in a more sculpted and masculine-looking chest with firmer skin.
How to lose chin fat
Many people come to us concerned about their excessive chin fat, which gives rise to a ‘double chin’ appearance. One of the best ways to lose chin fat and eliminate a double chin is to modify your diet and eliminate highly processed foods such as pizzas, burgers and sausages. You should also avoid fried foods, especially deep-fried varieties, and eat a wide range of vegetables and fruits. Lean protein sources such as eggs and poultry will also be beneficial in helping to get rid of excess chin fat.
RELATED: Can chin liposuction get rid of a double chin?
Recently, many people have developed a chin exercise routine, which includes clenching the jaws, moving the chin up and down and clenching the neck muscles. None of these treatments has proven effective, and we would avoid undertaking them.
At our Baker Street clinic, we regularly use laser fat reduction with TightSculpting to apply controlled laser energy leading to the localised destruction of superficial fat cells. Once the fat cells have been liquefied, they are naturally removed by your body via the body’s lymphatic drainage channels. Laser fat reduction is quick to carry out and produces effective results without the need for invasive surgery to remove resistant areas of chin fat.
For patients who would like to achieve quick results with dramatic improvement, we would recommend submental liposuction, also known as chin liposuction.
RELATED: Can I have chin liposuction, and how is it performed?
How to lose neck fat
Maintaining a sensible diet with plenty of regular exercises will help reduce neck fat. Many believe chin and neck exercises are highly beneficial in reducing neck fat. Various weight loss products are also available online that claim to remove neck fat fast. None of these products has any proof of clinical effectiveness and, in some cases, may be dangerous. We would advise against taking these products and having to spend significant sums of money on unproven weight loss products.
We offer many types of surgical treatments at Centre for Surgery that is highly effective for permanently removing neck fat. Submental liposuction and different types of facelift and neck lift surgery are the most effective cosmetic surgery treatments to eliminate neck fat permanently. We would advise booking a consultation to learn about these highly effective options to lose neck fat safely and effectively.