Liposuction side effects are relatively rare due to the safety protocols used to carry out liposuction at our London clinic. There are risks and side effects involved with any surgery. It is essential to be aware of the specific liposuction side effects and risks before making an informed decision to proceed with the procedure.
Recognised liposuction side effects and risks include:
- Paraesthesia or numbness
- Bruising and swelling
- Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
- An allergic reaction to the anaesthetic
- Wound infection
Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed procedures at Centre for Surgery. Our surgeons have many years of experience managing the common side effects of liposuction to ensure your procedure progresses as smoothly as possible. We have a dedicated post-operative nursing team available to assess you at any time if you think you may be experiencing side effects of liposuction.
RELATED: Liposuction risks and how to avoid them
What are the common side effects of liposuction?
Choosing to have liposuction at Centre for Surgery should be based upon a thorough understanding of the common risks and side effects that are involved with the procedure, and these include:
- Bruising and swelling which is most evident during the first two weeks but may last for between three and six months in some cases
- Temporary numbness, which usually settles entirely after six weeks
- Localised inflammatory changes may result in temporary redness of the overlying skin
- Leakage of tumescent fluid from the small incisions during the first two days after liposuction
- Swollen ankles after calf and ankle liposuction
- Swollen hands after arm liposuction
What are the rare side effects of liposuction?
When performed by an expert liposuction surgeon, liposuction is a very safe procedure. However, there are several less common side effects to be aware of, which your surgeon will discuss at your consultation, including:
- Skin rippling with uneven and lumpy results
- Haematoma
- Seroma
- Persistent numbness lasting for many months
- Localised skin discolouration
- Pulmonary embolism or a blood clot in the lungs
- Pulmonary oedema from fluid overload
- Visceral organ injury
All types of surgery may involve excessive bleeding as a potential risk, deep vein thrombosis, anaphylaxis or wound infection. Thanks to effective safety protocols used at Centre for Surgery, the risk of these complications is very low. Your surgeon will take time to discuss all the risks of liposuction at your face-to-face consultation before you decide to proceed with the procedure.
How long does recovery take after liposuction?
At Centre for Surgery, we offer both general and local anaesthetics for your liposuction procedure. This ensures you are as comfortable as possible during and after the procedure. Local anaesthesia is ideal for treating small body areas. All types of liposuction are performed as a day-case procedure, which means you can recover at home once your procedure has been completed.
Most people will be fit enough to drive a car and return to work after one week. We recommend avoiding sexual activity for a minimum of two weeks after liposuction. Although a full recovery after liposuction is expected after six weeks, we recommend avoiding strenuous exercise, including going to the gym for the first six weeks. You must wear the liposuction compression garment for at least six weeks to ensure the skin heals properly and minimises swelling, which may affect liposuction results. You can learn more about liposuction recovery by consulting an expert surgeon at Centre for Surgery in London.
How does the body react after having liposuction?
Liposuction can remove up to 5 L of fat in a single treatment. In most cases of fat removal of more than 3 L, it is not uncommon to experience swelling and fluid retention, which may give rise to a bloated sensation, but this settles down after a couple of days. Once the liposuction swelling has gone away, you can see the final liposuction results. In a small number of cases, liposuction may result in the development of blue skin, and this is more common in patients who already have pre-existing loose skin after pregnancy or significant weight loss. In most cases, the loose skin will tighten. Bruising after liposuction is very common and is completely harmless, with full resolution expected after 10 to 14 days. Once bruising and swelling have settled down, the areas you had liposuction will appear more contoured, firmer to feel, and more sculpted. If you want an idea of the results achievable after liposuction, you can view further liposuction before and after photos on our main liposuction surgery page.
SEE ALSO: Liposuction Before And After Photos
What is the safest type of liposuction?
Centre for Surgery uses only the safest liposuction procedures with a proven track record of clinical effectiveness. Our surgeons have used all the main liposuction methods, including Vaser, laser, and power-assisted liposuction. We believe power-assisted liposuction is the most effective technique for fat removal surgery as the risk of complications and side effects of liposuction are much reduced. Bruising and swelling are much less, and the overall recovery after liposuction is faster. There is also a reduced risk of skin rippling, and there is no risk of skin burns, unlike Vaser Lipo or Smart Lipo techniques. We also offer BodyTite and FaceTite for skin tightening of the body or face. Both methods can be effectively combined with power-assisted liposuction in the same procedure if patients have mild to moderate skin laxity. Liposuction alone is not a treatment for loose skin, and BodyTite can tighten skin without the need for more invasive surgery such as a tummy tuck.
RELATED: Liposuction FAQs – Q&A about Fat Removal Surgery
If you would like to learn more about liposuction side effects and how these are effectively controlled during and after your procedure, speak to us today at 0207 993 4849 or complete the contact form below to book a face-to-face consultation with one of our expert liposuction surgeons based at our Baker Street clinic in Marylebone, central London. Centre for Surgery is home to some of the top liposuction surgeons in the UK, and our state-of-the-art day surgery facility is purpose-built for the full range of cosmetic surgery.