Breast augmentation most commonly involves the insertion of breast implants although fat transfer breast augmentation has recently emerged as a way to increase breast size naturally using your body’s own fat. In the UK, breast augmentation remains the most popularly requested cosmetic surgery procedure with thousands of these procedures being carried out in London cosmetic surgery clinics. Any type of breast augmentation procedure is designed to enhance the size and shape of the breast with a significant improvement in skin tightness and smooth-looking skin.
Is it possible to get breast augmentation without implants?
Centre for Surgery specialises in fat transfer breast augmentation, also known as ‘fat transfer to breasts’. Breast fat transfer is a straightforward method of breast augmentation that uses fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts using your body’s own fat. It is a natural Breast augmentation that does not involve the use of artificial silicone breast implants and has the advantage of producing more natural-looking results.
Fat transfer breast augmentation involves performing liposuction as a first step to remove fat from unwanted areas of the body with liposuction, followed by the purification of the fat prior to re-injecting the fat into the breasts. Many people complain of having stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. Fat transfer breast augmentation can be viewed as a combined procedure for simultaneous body sculpting of areas where fat is removed and breast enhancement in the same procedure. Unlike breast augmentation with implants, the risks and complications of natural breast augmentation are much lower and with much less scarring.
The procedure uses your own body fat, and the risk of implant-related complications, including infection, is therefore minimised. Fat transfer to the breasts can also be combined with breast implants, and this is known as a hybrid breast augmentation. Hybrid breast augmentation allows the use of smaller implants placed on top of the muscle combined with fat transfer around the implant edges to give the benefits of a predictable increase in size with implants coupled with the natural results achievable from fat transfer surgery.
How can I increase my breast size without surgery?
The size of the breasts is most commonly determined by several factors, including hereditary factors, body mass index, and lifestyle factors. The choices for increasing the size of the breasts without surgery are extremely limited and relatively ineffective.
Certain types of exercise can help strengthen the shoulder and chest muscles. These include press-ups and bench press exercises to improve muscle tone and definition of the pectoralis muscle, which sits behind the breasts. It is important to note that the breasts themselves do not change with physical exercise, although developing an improved posture will help convey the impression of more prominent breasts.
Carrying out regular exercises to tone up the chest wall muscles can take a significant period of time, and women should not hope for instant results. Any potential results are minimal at best.
We would advise staying away from the many breast enhancement products easily found online that claim to increase breast size, and these include breast creams, breast enlargement pumps, breast massage techniques and herbal remedies. Many of these treatments are very expensive and, in some cases, may even be dangerous to take.
How can I achieve a natural look with breast implants?
Breast implant surgery remains the most effective surgical technique to increase the size of the breasts with a high level of predictability.
When you attend your consultation at Centre for Surgery in London, you will be assessed by an expert specialist breast surgeon who will help you find the right breast implants most appropriate for your body frame and anatomy. This will help to achieve natural-looking results after breast augmentation. We use breast implants from Mentor and Sebbin. Both of these manufacturers have an excellent reputation for producing high-quality implants with an impressive safety record. Implants come in different sizes and shapes which include both round, teardrop, anatomical or polyurethane implants. Implant profile and breast implant size will also be taken into account when planning for your breast implant surgery.
There are generally four different types of implant profiles, from low to extra high. Implant profile describes the distance the implant projects from the chest wall, with high-profile implants projecting outwards more than lower-profile implants, which tend to have a softer edge. Low-profile implants are generally considered to produce a more natural-looking appearance; however, high-profile implants will have a greater possibility of improving breast cleavage.
Your surgeon will also discuss breast implant placement, with the two most common techniques involving implant placement below or above the muscle. Placing breast implants below the muscle is thought to result in a more natural-looking appearance in slimmer women with minimal existing breast tissue. The best approach will be discussed with you at your consultation.
Fat transfer to breasts can be combined with breast implants as part of a hybrid breast augmentation procedure to achieve a natural-looking breast augmentation.
How can I get a natural-looking breast augmentation?
Our expert breast surgeons are specialists in producing natural-looking results after fat transfer breast augmentation and breast augmentation with implants. Very often, the ideal procedure involves the insertion of a low-profile breast implant combined with fat transfer around the edges of the implant to achieve a natural-looking result. If you would like to learn more about how to get a natural-looking breast enhancement, please contact one of our friendly patient coordinators to book a consultation with one of our specialist breast surgeons in London.