As we age, we start to get more drooping lines on our faces, particularly around the eyebrows and on the forehead. These can not only be considered aesthetically unappealing but can make us feel older than we actually are. A brow lift is a suitable remedy to this problem.
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What is a brow lift?
There are numerous benefits to having a brow lift, including the following:
- Achieving a more youthful appearance with raised brows
- Improves heavy brows
- Reduces hooded eyelids
- Minimises wrinkles around the brows and on the forehead
- Correct asymmetry of the eyebrows
- Elevate the brows to the correct position
Endoscopic brow lift
An endoscopic brow lift raises the brow using a minimally invasive approach. Compared with the traditional coronal brow lift, incisions are much smaller. Four small incisions roughly 1 cm in length are made behind the hairline. Endoscopic browlifts are combined with the excellent Endotine brow fixation system. A rigid endoscope containing a miniaturised camera is deployed to enable the surgeon to accurately visualise and dissect the key structures in the brow region. Two Endotine devices are secured and attached to the skull, onto which the skin of the forehead is raised and firmly attached to the Endotine devices to secure the brow in an elevated position. After 3-6 months, the Endotine devices will slowly get reabsorbed by the body, so you should not feel anything beneath the skin. The position of the brow is maintained even after the Endotine device has been absorbed by the body.
If you have a high hairline or have significant laxity of the forehead skin, then endoscopic brow lift will be slightly modified to conceal the incisions as effectively as possible. A small amount of forehead skin will be removed to lower the hairline. The incisions generally heal very well and are well hidden by the hairline while preserving the benefits of performing a minimally invasive endoscopic brow lift.
Your surgeon will assess you thoroughly and will deploy a team approach to ensure a smooth procedure from start to finish.
Types of brow lift
Temporal brow lift or lateral brow lift
In many patients, only the outer portion of the brow requires minimal lifting. This is also known as a lateral brow lift. A temporal brow lift can lead to the tightening of the temporal region and address superficial and deeper lines in this region. Lateral canthal lines, also known as “crow feet”, can be improved with a lateral brow lift as, in many cases, non-surgical options like neurotoxins cannot enhance the region.
A temporal brow lift involves two minimal-length incisions positioned within the hairline. A lateral brow lift is often associated with minimal downtime, and the recovery period is usually much quicker when compared with an endoscopic brow lift. A lateral brow lift is often combined with blepharoplasty surgery, and in this case, the incisions can be combined for less potential scarring.
Hidden Incision Brow lift
This type of brow lift is ideal for men who are balding and have deep horizontal forehead lines. The incision is made through one of the horizontal forehead lines. The brow muscles are released, which helps to smooth out the forehead, and the redundant skin is then removed, which results in the brow’s elevation.
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Coronal brow lift
This technique rejuvenates the entire upper third of the face. The surgeon will then be able to lift the forehead, hairline and brow in an upward direction. This is generally preferred by female patients or those with minimal hair loss, as the scar will be hidden within the hairline. The endoscopic brow lift has replaced the traditional coronal brow lift.
The use of endoscopy in brow rejuvenation produces excellent and predictable results with minimal scarring. The open mini brow lift leaves small scars, and the degree of lift achievable will be more limited than an endoscopic brow lift. However, if you only seek a more limited elevation in brow position, the mini approach may be more suitable. This is especially the case in men, where it is important not to elevate the brow too much to avoid feminising the male face.
Can I have other procedures alongside a brow lift?
There are many other cosmetic procedures that you can have while you have a brow lift. These procedures complement each other and work to give you full facial rejuvenation. Popular procedures to have with a brow lift include:
Blepharoplasty: Also known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty removes excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids. You can have either an upper blepharoplasty, a lower blepharoplasty, or both at the same time.
Facelift: A facelift will alter the appearance of your cheeks, jowls, and neck. It helps tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, and reposition facial fat, making you appear refreshed and more youthful.
RELATED: Procedures to have with a facelift
In some instances, it may be better for you to have one of those procedures rather than a brow lift. During a consultation with a surgeon, you will be able to discuss your wants and needs, and the surgeon will be able to recommend if a brow lift is the right surgery for you.
How is the brow lift procedure performed?
There are numerous brow lift techniques. The appearance of the brow will be the factor that decides which method is used during the brow lift surgery. The brow lift methods include:
Traditional brow lift
This involves an incision being made above the hairline. The forehead, brow and hairline are then moved upward.
Minimally invasive brow lift
This is best for men who have very noticeable forehead creases. The incision is made in the forehead crease and the eyebrows are then lifted. This is popular for those who wish to correct brow asymmetry.
Endoscopic brow lift
An endoscopic brow lift involves three small incisions above the hairline, and the face is then moved upward.
Male brow lift
As the name suggests, men generally prefer this brow lift method. An incision is made at the length of the eyebrow. The skin is then pulled to become tighter and firmer. Unlike the other methods, the male brow lift pulls the skin down rather than back. This makes the procedure popular with those starting to go bald, as the hairline will be moved forward rather than back.
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Frequently asked questions about brow lifts
Who is a good candidate for a brow lift?
To be eligible for a brow lift, you will need to:
– Be physically and mentally healthy
– Be a non-smoker, or be able to stop smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery and during the recovery period
– Have a healthy BMI (this is considered to be 18.5 – 24.9)
– Have low, heavy eyebrows
Why is the endoscopic brow lift not a suitable method for everyone?
There is no single method for a brow lift, and the method will vary for each individual. Factors such as an elevated hairline can often be why people choose not to undergo this method. During a consultation, the surgeon will analyse your brows and forehead and suggest the best method.
Will the results look natural?
People can often be hesitant to undergo a brow lift because it may leave their faces looking frozen and surprised. However, this is not the case at the Centre for Surgery. Our experienced, qualified surgeons will leave your face looking natural and youthful.
Can I have my hairline moved forward?
Yes, you can. The hairline can be moved forward rather than backwards using the male brow line method.
Are there any risks with a brow lift?
Every surgical procedure involves risks, albeit rare risks. Complications might include irritation of the nerve that provides sensation to the forehead, bleeding, and asymmetry between the two sides. Further surgery may be necessary if any complications do arise. It is also normal to experience some numbness in the forehead after the surgery. However, this will subside, and the feeling will return.
Can I have anti-ageing injectables instead of a brow lift?
Anti-ageing injectables will work to paralyse muscles and raise the eyebrows. However, you must continue to have the injectables to sustain the look. You will only need to have brow lift surgery once.
Do I need to cut or shave my hair?
While incisions are made behind the hairline, you will not need to cut or shave your hair.
What anaesthetic is used during a brow lift?
A brow lift is performed under general anaesthetic, meaning you will be asleep and unable to feel or hear anything throughout the procedure.
How long does the brow lift take?
It will take about one to two hours.
What will the recovery period be like after a brow lift?
It is normal to experience some pain and discomfort following the brow lift procedure. You will be able to take pain medication to manage any symptoms. You will experience some swelling and bruising, which will dissipate after one to two weeks. You will have to avoid any vigorous physical activity for two weeks following the surgery, as well as avoid any exposure to the sun.
Will I have scars after a brow lift?
This will depend on which method you have. Some brow lift methods include incisions within the hairline, which will not be visible. The utmost effort will be made to ensure the incisions are in the correct position (such as within wrinkle lines), and therefore, they will not be as visible. Over time, the scars will fade and become less noticeable.
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