Gynecomastia is a common medical condition that results in breast enlargement affecting both boys and men. Gynecomastia, also known as man boobs, can affect one breast or both breasts. Gynaecomastia is exceptionally common, with between 50 and 65% of men in the UK being affected by the condition. The condition involves the excess proliferation of glandular tissue, fat or both in a man’s chest area. Many men develop a loss of self-confidence, which often results in covering up their chests with baggy clothes and often avoiding taking off their T-shirts whilst on the beach.
RELATED: What is gynecomastia?
If you have decided you want to achieve a fatter and more masculine-looking chest, you may want to try and get rid of the problem yourself. If this does not work, gynecomastia surgery is a highly effective treatment to get rid of man boobs permanently. Many men often visit their GP for further assessment of their moobs. The key part of diagnosis is determining the cause of gynecomastia and advising on suitable treatment options to get rid of gynecomastia.
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Patients with true gynecomastia often notice a firm and rubbery swelling beneath the nipples and areola. This well-defined disc of tissue can be found even in men who are exceptionally lean with low body fat levels. Pseudogynecomastia differs in that this well-defined area of hard tissue is not present. Men with pseudogynaecomastia primarily have excess fat in the chest. Most cases of gynecomastia often involve a combination of both excess glandular tissue and fatty tissue. Men with primarily excess fat may decide to undertake a sensible diet and exercise program first to see if they can improve the appearance of the chest. In some cases, despite regular physical exercise and healthy eating, stubborn fat found on the chest does not go away.
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Men who are in good shape and have a swollen chest are more likely to have excessive glandular tissue, also known as true gynecomastia. Glandular tissue appears as a white and rubbery material that most commonly develops due to:
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Puberty
- Anabolic steroids
- Certain prescription medications
Men with true gynecomastia will not be able to achieve a reduction in the size of the chest with exercise alone. This may even make your gynecomastia look worse. As your chest muscles develop enhanced tone, the enlarged pectoral muscle will push the excess glandular tissue outwards, making the nipples and areola appear more pointed. Here at Centre for Surgery, we specialise in the most effective gynecomastia treatments to get rid of excess fat on the male chest, including:
- Liposuction
- Gland excision or surgical gland removal
- Skin reduction or areola reduction
Recovery after gynaecomastia surgery is speedy and straightforward as your surgeon will inject local anaesthetic during the surgery whilst you are sleeping. You will also need to wear a compression garment on the chest, and this will help to reduce any discomfort when combined with prescription painkillers given to you by your surgeon.
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Can gynecomastia come back after surgery?
Once you have had gynecomastia surgery, the chances of the chest returning to how it was before the surgery are very low, provided the gland has been removed in its entirety. When performed by an inexperienced surgeon, Gynecomastia surgery may increase the risk of residual glandular tissue being left behind. This tissue may get larger under the influence of hormones, resulting in the recurrence of the original problem. You should also try to maintain a healthy weight to prevent the reaccumulation of excess fat in the chest. You should also avoid taking anabolic steroids or other recreational drugs which are known to cause gynecomastia.
RELATED: What are the causes of gynecomastia?
Why choose Centre for Surgery for gynecomastia surgery?
Centre for Surgery is the leading cosmetic surgery clinic in the UK, and our consultant plastic surgeons have many years of specialised expertise in carrying out all types of gynecomastia surgery, including liposuction, surgical gland removal and skin reduction surgery. If you want to achieve a sculpted and masculine-looking chest, call us today at 020 7993 4849 to book a gynecomastia consultation at our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in Marylebone.
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