Endoscopic Brow Lift at Centre for Surgery in London & UK
An endoscopic brow lift, also known as an endoscopic forehead lift, is designed to lift the position of a sagging brow that may contribute to the appearance of hooded eyes. The procedure is commonly combined with eyelid surgery for comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Patients who are more concerned about the sagging of the eyebrows in the outer third may be more appropriate for a temporal brow lift, also known as a temporal lift.
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Everyone ages at different rates, but the ageing process eventually leads to characteristic facial features, which may lead people to seek medical attention. The upper third of the face, including the brow area, is often the first part of the face to show signs of facial ageing. Although people may feel young in themselves, certain signs of facial ageing often give away their true age. The speed at which several factors, including genetics, lifestyle habits and excessive sun exposure, determine our age. This can result in people looking much older than they actually are. Endoscopic brow lift surgery is a minimally invasive technique to address facial ageing affecting the upper one-third of the face. Synergistic results are obtained when the procedure is combined with eyelid surgery, facelift, neck lift or facial fat transfer. Common features of facial ageing include a descended or droopy brow, deeper lines and wrinkles affecting the forehead and eyes, sagging jowls and loose neck skin.
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A drooping brow can result in excessive fullness or puffiness of the upper eyelids and the brow area, which lies immediately above the eye. In severe cases, the brow may droop low enough to cause upper eyelid hooding, which can result in significant visual disturbances.
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Endoscopic brow lifts can improve the structural relationship between the brows and the upper eyelids for an improved facial balance. Endoscopic brow lift surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years. It has superseded traditional methods of brow lift surgery, including the coronal brow lift, which involves a long incision across the upper part of the forehead. There are now several alternatives to brow lift procedures. However, for appropriate patients, this procedure is ideal for improving the youthfulness of the upper part of the face and reducing signs of upper facial ageing.
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Ideal candidates for endoscopic browlift surgery include those unhappy with the appearance of the upper part of their face. In particular, people with an excessively low brow that may appear droopy or asymmetrical can benefit significantly from the procedure. Prospective patients should have good physical and mental health and realistic expectations of what the procedure can achieve. Ideally, they should have good-quality skin by avoiding excessive sun exposure and be non-smokers to reduce the risk of wound healing complications.
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It is important to remember that brow asymmetry is commonly observed in the normal population, although it may deteriorate with age. Although endoscopic brow lift surgery can help to improve asymmetrical brows, there will always be a certain degree of asymmetry, even after surgery. No face is perfectly symmetrical and will appear slightly different when viewed from each side. At your consultation, your surgeon can provide further detailed advice on how you could potentially look after surgery after carrying out a thorough physical examination to assess your anatomy and skin quality.
Endoscopic browlifts are performed as outpatient procedures at our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in central London. This means you can go home later the same day.
Surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic for your complete comfort, and the procedure takes between one and two hours, depending on the extent of surgical correction required. Surgery may take longer if combined with other complementary procedures, such as blepharoplasty surgery or a mini facelift. The procedure is always customised to the needs of the individual patient. The following surgical steps will give you a broader idea of the procedure. Still, we would recommend learning about the procedure in detail by asking your surgeon at the consultation about the exact approach that will be involved in your surgery.
The surgeon will make small incisions within the hair-bearing scalp to allow access to insert a miniature camera, also known as an endoscope. The endoscope is combined with specialised instruments to gently separate the skin of the forehead from the underlying tissues down to the level of the bone. Once the skin of the forehead and eyebrows has been surgically lifted, it will be secured in its new position with specialised bone anchors to secure the lifted brow in its new position. The anchoring stitches will eventually dissolve, a normal part of the healing and recovery process. In some cases, your surgeon may secure the lifted tissue with a specialised tissue fixation system. Your in-person consultation is the perfect opportunity to discuss the full range of brow fixation options.
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Once a brow lift has been carried out, the position of the upper eyelids may be lifted sufficiently to remove the need for upper eyelid surgery. In many cases, patients will have sagging skin affecting the eyelids, and upper blepharoplasty should be carried out after the endoscopic brow lift in the same procedure. The brow lift is always performed first to ensure an optimal position of the brows.
After an endoscopic forehead lift, recovery is considered fairly quick and smooth, provided you follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions in full. Once the procedure is complete, sterile dressings will be applied to your head. These are commonly removed one week after surgery. It is expected to notice swelling and bruising around the incision site, which will begin to disappear after two weeks. Most patients can return to work after a few days, although you should try to take it easy during recovery and not do too much too soon. Strenuous exercise, including going to the gym, should be avoided for at least two weeks. We recommend sleeping with your head elevated on a couple of pillows to speed up the resolution of surgical swelling. This will help your recovery and prevent complications from occurring.
The cost of an endoscopic brow lift will be determined by the extent of surgical correction required to achieve lifting of the eyebrows and whether the procedure will be combined with other treatments, including eyelid surgery or a facelift. Brow lift prices include your surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist’s fee and facility fee. All postoperative aftercare visits are included in the total cost of your procedure. Once you have had a face-to-face consultation with your surgeon, your dedicated patient coordinator will give you a full quotation detailing what is included in the endoscopic brow lift surgery cost. Centre for Surgery is an approved partner of Chrysalis Finance, the leading medical finance provider in the UK. We are for the full range of finance options, including 0% finance for eligible applicants to help spread the cost of repayments.
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Centre for Surgery in London is one of the few cosmetic surgery clinics in the UK to specialise in endoscopic brow lift surgery, which is considered one of the most advanced techniques for lifting a sagging or drooping brow. Our consultant plastic surgeons have many years of experience performing precision facial rejuvenation surgery, including eyelid surgery, facelift surgery and facial fat transfer. Call us today at 020 7993 4849 to schedule a personal consultation with an expert plastic surgeon consultant at our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in Marylebone.