Patients who have had breast lift surgery will need to ensure they wear an appropriately sized post-operative bra measured up for them by one of our expert post-operative nurses. After breast lift surgery, it is common for the breast to feel firm to the touch with associated swelling, and it is not uncommon for there to be areas of localised lumpiness that will settle over the first few weeks.
After approximately six weeks, you should begin to notice the breasts undergoing softening, and by the three-month mark, the vast majority of post-operative swelling should have subsided. In most cases, final results after a breast lift surgery can be expected at the three-month stage.
RELATED: What is the best breast lift?
How will my breasts feel after a breast lift?
It is normal to experience a mild to moderate degree of discomfort during the first few days after the breast lift procedure; however, this is easily managed with prescription painkillers, which your surgeon will give to you for your procedure. Postoperative nausea is rare thanks to advanced TIVA anaesthesia, which we use for all cosmetic surgery procedures, and any nausea experienced will quickly settle down often without any requirement for anti-sickness medication.
After the first week, you should be much more comfortable and may not require any further painkiller medication. You should still expect to see a mild degree of bruising and swelling around the breasts, which will continue to settle down over time. Most patients can return to light work duties and gentle exercises such as walking. After two weeks, the vast majority of patients will have completed the early phase of post-operative healing. It should be able to carry out virtually all activities of daily living, although it is still highly recommended to avoid bending over or lifting heavy items. The two-week mark should fully heal your breast lift incisions, although it is best to follow the advice from one of our postoperative nurses at your wound check appointment. At the six-week mark, a full recovery is expected, and patients will be allowed to commence their normal exercises, including going back to the gym and lifting weights.
How should I look after my breasts after a breast lift?
Optimal results after breast lift surgery are achieved when patients follow the surgeon’s postoperative instructions in full. Our postoperative nurses will show you a technique for massage and moisturising the breasts and breast lift scars themselves. Aqueous creams such as E45 work perfectly well and will help keep the skin soft and supple and prevent excessive scar formation. You should take good care of the breast lift scars, and it is important to avoid any excessive contact with the breasts during the early stages of healing.
Patients can carry out most of their normal daily activities by two weeks. After you have been assessed at your wound check appointment, you may be fit to start driving a car in two weeks. As with all types of cosmetic breast surgery, you should try not to overdo it and avoid doing too much too quickly. Always listen to your body, and if you feel excessive pain, then stop the activity immediately and seek prompt medical advice. Strenuous gym activities, including running and cycling, should be avoided for a full six weeks; however, gentle walking, including walks in the park, can commence after two weeks. A full range of shoulder movements, including placing your hands above the shoulders, can take place after four weeks. Excessive shoulder movements early on in the postoperative phase may place unnecessary stress on the incisions, which could lead to them opening up prematurely.
Does a breast lift result in smaller breasts?
Breast lift surgery does not result in smaller breasts. However, the procedure is aimed at creating aesthetically pleasing breasts by removing and repositioning breast tissue to create a perkier and more youthful-looking breast. As part of the breast uplift procedure, breast tissue from the lower part of the breast is repositioned upwards to restore upper pole fullness.
Is sensation affected by having a breast lift?
Decreased sensitivity of the nipple is a recognised risk with any technique of breast lift surgery where the nipple is repositioned during the procedure. Still, this risk is very rare, and in most cases, any nipple sensitivity is temporary, and the breasts should develop a normal sensation over the first four weeks after surgery. The incisions involved with breast lift surgery may lead to an increase or decrease in nipple sensitivity as small nerves are invariably cut when making the incision through the skin as part of the breast lift surgery.
It is important to bear in mind that alteration in nipple sensitivity is a temporary phenomenon associated with a breast lift, and the vast majority of women will experience the normal sensation of nipple again over approximately six to eight months. In some cases where a breast lift procedure is combined with breast implants, also known as an augmentation mastopexy, and especially if the breast implants are very large, then there could be an increased risk of a permanent change in nipple sensation as a result of the pressure exerted on the soft tissues by the larger sized breast implant.
How long does breast lift recovery take?
It is generally accepted that after approximately six weeks, the vast majority of patients will have fully healed from breast lift surgery. It is important to comply fully with the surgeon’s post-operative instructions to ensure your recovery proceeds smoothly. Most patients can return to work after one week, but this depends on the nature of the work, and some patients may need a longer period off, especially if their occupation involves a higher level of physical activity.
RELATED: Breast lift recovery top tips
Why choose Centre for Surgery for breast lift surgery?
At Centre for Surgery, our specialist plastic surgeons are experts in the full range of breast lift surgery, including crescent lifts, doughnut lifts, lollipop lifts and the full anchor lift. If you want to find out the best type of breast lift surgery for you, we recommend booking a face-to-face consultation by speaking to one of our friendly and knowledgeable patient coordinators on 020 7993 4849 or completing the contact form.
RELATED: How much does a breast lift cost?