Breast augmentation is one of our most popularly requested procedures at Centre for Surgery in London. One of the most common treatment goals for our patients is to achieve natural-looking results with breast augmentation and not the “fake look”. If you’re keen to know what factors can make breasts look more “real” and less fake, then read on to learn more.
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It’s important to bear in mind that whether you choose breast implants or fat transfer to the breasts, all breasts are real. This includes patients who choose to have a breast lift or breast reduction. Although patients may be born with breasts of a particular shape or size, modern cosmetic surgery techniques allow patients to aim for an appearance that they find cosmetically appealing.
Several factors can improve the chances of an implant appearing more natural-looking. Our surgeons are renowned for performing breast augmentation surgery with natural-looking results. To prepare for the procedure optimally, the following aspects are discussed at your consultation.
Can anyone tell that I have had a breast augmentation?
Many patients will often have several questions that they would like to ask at the consultation for a breast augmentation. One of the most common questions our surgeons get asked is whether anyone will be able to tell that you have had a breast augmentation. In other words, is it realistic for me to expect natural-looking results after breast enlargement surgery?
At Centre for Surgery in London, our surgeons have many years of experience in performing breast augmentation for natural-looking results. However, it’s important to remember that every patient is different and will have different expectations for what treatment can achieve for them. Some patients may even prefer an overly “done” appearance, which can often be achieved with large breast implants. Ultimately it is up to you as to what you would like to achieve to instil in you that renewed sense of self-confidence.
The factors which are most commonly determine how your breasts could look after surgery include:
Choosing the right Breast implant size
The most common way to determine whether a patient has had a breast augmentation procedure is often by the size of the breast implant chosen. Women who opt for significantly larger implants than what is recommended by their surgeon can expect a more dramatic-looking result, which may not necessarily be natural-looking. In other words, it may not be balanced with the rest of their anatomy.
Choosing the right size of a breast implant is a key decision to make before breast augmentation surgery. Just because you choose a larger implant doesn’t necessarily mean your results will look less natural-looking.
There are many risks of choosing huge implants, in addition to leading to an appearance that is less natural-looking. However, the choice is always yours, and many patients deliberately seek out the “fake look” as that is in keeping with their treatment goals.
RELATED: Large Breast Implants – Pros & Cons of XL Breast Augmentation
Dynamic implant movement
Another method to determine whether a patient may have breast implants is by assessing the movement of the breasts. Breasts that do not have breast implants move in a characteristic way; however, the latest generation of breast implants from Mentor and Motiva has developed to such an extent that it is now virtually impossible to assess whether a breast has an implant just by looking at the movements of the breast. This is undoubtedly the case in expert hands, and our surgeons spend much time planning your procedure to get the most natural-looking results. The naturalness of implant movement is also linked to the implant is position within the breast.
Breast Implant placement
Where the surgeon places the implant during surgery is a key factor in deciding how natural breasts will appear following breast augmentation surgery. The placement of the implant above or below the muscle will determine its movement and how visible it may be beneath the skin to an observer.
RELATED: Best Breast Implant Placement – Over the Muscle, Under the Muscle or Dual Plane?
Our surgeons are trained in both the under-the-muscle and over-the-muscle approaches. In addition, our surgeons have special expertise in subfascial breast augmentation, which involves positioning the implant between the chest wall muscle and the tough fibrous tissue that envelopes the muscle, also known as the fascia. Subfascial breast augmentation is a type of over-the-muscle breast implant insertion technique. This method of implant placement is known to give a very natural-looking result with natural movements of the breast.
Not every patient is an ideal candidate for subfascial breast augmentation. Your surgeon may recommend one of the other two approaches, the “dual plane” approach, which is the most common and is also known as the “under the muscle” approach.
Breast augmentation recovery timeline week by week – detailed answer
Recovery from breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on the individual and the type of procedure performed. Here is a general timeline of what to expect in the weeks following surgery:
Week 1: You will likely experience some pain, swelling, and bruising in the days immediately following surgery. You will be given pain medication to help manage this. You will also need to wear a surgical bra or support bandage to help with swelling and support the breasts as they heal. You should avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous activity during this time.
Week 2: The pain and swelling will begin to subside during this week. You may be able to start gentle range-of-motion exercises to prevent stiffness. However, you should still avoid any heavy lifting or strenuous activity.
Week 3: By this point, most of the bruising and swelling should be gone. You may be able to resume normal activities, but it’s best to check with your surgeon before doing so.
Week 4: At this point, most people are able to return to work and normal activities. However, you should still avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity.
Weeks 5-6: By this point, you should be fully healed and able to return to your normal exercise routine.
It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and not to rush your recovery. Each individual’s healing process is unique so that recovery times may vary.
Fat transfer breast augmentation
Although breast augmentation using implants is the most common method of breast augmentation surgery, our surgeons are also trained in fat transfer to the breasts for enhancement of breast volume without the risks of an implant-based approach.
Breast augmentation with fat transfer involves removing fat from unwanted areas of the body, such as the stomach or thighs, followed by purification of the fat cells and, finally, injection of the fat into targeted areas of the breasts for highly effective, permanent volume enhancement.
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Compared with breast augmentation using implants, fat transfer to the breasts does not result in as significant an increase in breast size. Fat transfer is, however, a completely natural method of breast augmentation as it uses your body’s own fat and can produce results that are more natural-looking compared with implant-based surgery. Fat transfer to breasts is also known as ‘natural breast augmentation’. Fat transfer can now be combined with breast implants in the same procedure to gain the key advantages of both techniques and is also referred to as hybrid breast augmentation. Breast fat transfer is a great technique to enhance breast cleavage.
RELATED: What types of fat transfer can I have?
Many patients may find that they are ideal candidates for a breast lift or mastopexy procedure and may not necessarily require significant volume enhancement. In these cases, a breast lift with auto augmentation could be an ideal treatment option. This procedure utilises your own breast tissue, which is then used to improve the shape of the breast and enhance upper pole fullness. Breast auto augmentation is most commonly performed for women who would like to have their breast implants removed but would still like to maintain volume in the upper part of the breast.
Choosing the right type of breast augmentation for you
Your surgeon prioritises your treatment goals first and foremost. Whether you want to achieve real-looking or fake-looking breasts, the main priority is restoring your confidence, which will help you feel much better about yourself. We are proud to have some of the best surgeons in London for breast augmentation who can offer the full range of treatment options to help you achieve your goals.