Dr Paraskevi Dimitriadi is a specialist cosmetic gynaecologist and has trained at some of the world’s leading hospitals in all aspects of gynaecology. Dr Dimitriadi continues to practice in a major London teaching hospital. She takes an active interest in research into aesthetic gynaecology and lectures both nationally and internationally on a range of topics in aesthetic gynaecology. She is a full member of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynaecology (ESAG). Dr Dimitriadi is an expert in laser vaginal tightening and vaginoplasty procedures.
Dr Dimitriadi is known for her caring, patient-centred approach, supporting all her patients and she always strives to optimise patient outcomes at all stages of the patient journey.
General Medical Council (specialist register for Obstetrics and Gynaecology) GMC number 7052084
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Procedures performed at Centre for Surgery in London:
- Labiaplasty (labia reduction)
- Clitoral hood reduction (hoodectomy)
- Vaginal tightening (vaginoplasty)
- Perineum and Pelvic Floor Repair
- Vaginal Rejuvenation (Designer Vagina)
- Labial puff
- G Spot injection
- Votiva
- IntimaLase
- IncontiLase
- ProlapLase
- RenovaLase
Articles by Dr Dimitriadi
- Vaginal Tightening for Loose Vagina and Vaginal Laxity
- What is laser vaginal rejuvenation?
- What is recovery like after vaginoplasty surgery?
- Can large labias be reduced in size?
- Is labiaplasty painful?
- What is Labia Minora Reduction?
- What is Labia Majora Reduction?
- What is a designer vagina?
- Is vaginoplasty painful?