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Do you have a build-up of fat on the back of your neck? This is referred to as a buffalo hump.
Medically known as a dorsocervical fat pad, a buffalo hump gets its name due to the resemblance to the hump on the back of the buffalo. Although a buffalo hump is not a serious condition, nor does it have any negative health effects, it can limit your ability to extend your head and neck. Because of this, you may feel you have to stand hunched. This can severely impact your self-esteem and confidence. To remedy this, you can undergo buffalo hump removal.
What causes a buffalo hump?
There are numerous causes for a buffalo hump, including:
- Obesity
- Hormonal imbalance
- Side effects from steroids
- Diseases such as Cushing’s syndrome
- Certain prescription medications
If the size of the hump is quite big then it may be difficult to tilt your neck backwards and can seldom be painful. If these complications occur then the best option would be to speak to an expert right away who will be able to diagnose the reason behind the hump and recommend appropriate treatments to get rid of it.
Can I have a buffalo hump removal?
The buffalo hump removal procedure is performed purely for cosmetic purposes, to help improve one’s image and self-esteem.
- Ideal for those who have a lump of fat accumulated on the back of their neck and have been experiencing pain or discomfort.
- Someone who suffers from Cushing’s syndrome can also opt for the treatment.
In addition to these criteria, to be eligible for surgery you will need to be:
- Over 18 years old
- A non-smoker or be able to stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery and during the recovery period.
- Be physically and mentally healthy
How is buffalo hump removal performed?
Buffalo hump is usually removed with various liposuction techniques.
At Centre for Surgery, we practice the liposuction method known as SAFElipo. Unlike traditional liposuction methods, SAFElipo does not involve the use of heat. Instead, it involves three separate steps. Incisions are made using a small cannula, and the fat globules are aspirated. This means there is less damage to the body, meaning there is less risk of damage to the blood vessels and stromal network. Next, the liposuction takes place. The smaller cannulas mean there is less likelihood of swelling and bruising following the procedure. Finally, the layer of the remaining fat is equalised to ensure the neck has the best possible appearance.
The procedure may take up to an hour to perform.
What will the recovery period be like?
Like any other liposuction procedure, patients will experience some swelling and bruising for a week or two following their buffalo hump reduction surgery. Although swelling should be subdued within two weeks, patients will be advised not to do strenuous activities for at least six weeks. An ice pack can be placed over the treated area to promote quicker healing.
Interested in buffalo hump removal? This is a procedure that Centre for Surgery currently offers. Contact us today to find out more.