Women who may have been considering breast augmentation often wonder whether they will need future breast augmentation to replace implants. In other cases, they may require revision breast augmentation to correct a breast implant problem such as capsular contracture or implant rupture.
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It is possible future revision surgery may be required. How long breast implants last will be determined by several factors. These include the type of implant used, your lifestyle, the surgical technique used to place the implants and changes to your body over time, including pregnancy and weight loss. People may also develop problems related to their breast implants, which will require revision surgery. The most common breast implant complications include:
- Capsular contracture – this involves the formation of dense scar tissue around the implant, which may squeeze the implant leading to its distortion. The implant and its surrounding capsule will need to be removed and replaced with a new implant.
- Implant rupture – with modern implants, rupture or leakage is a rare occurrence.
- Malposition – the implant may move out of the correct position due to breast pocket enlargement or faulty surgical technique. Revision surgery may be required to reposition the implant, and implant replacement may not be needed.
RELATED: What are common breast implant problems?
When do implants need replacing?
It is a common misconception that breast implants, whether made of saline or silicone, need to be replaced every few years. This can be enough to put women off the idea of having breast augmentation. The fear of having a procedure so soon in the future, coupled with the significant financial costs, can prevent women from proceeding further.
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Breast implants last much longer than most people think. In the absence of any breast implant-related problem, there is no need to have implants replaced for at least ten years. Most plastic surgeons would agree that between one and two revision breast augmentation procedures could be required for women who have breast augmentation in their lifetime. This is a rough approximation, although it is useful to be aware of this when considering breast augmentation surgery.
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There is no absolute rule regarding the lifespan of silicone breast implants. Some women may find their original breast implants last for an entire lifetime, while other women may require a revision procedure within seven years after surgery. On average, breast implants have a lifespan of between 10 and 20 years. In the UK, approximately 20% of women may require implant removal or replacement within ten years of a primary breast augmentation procedure.
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How often do implants leak?
Modern fourth-generation breast implants rarely leak, although it is a recognised complication. If implant leakage occurs, it is important to seek urgent medical attention to have the implant replaced as part of a revision breast augmentation procedure.
Saline implants
Saline implant leakage is easily detected as one breast will be significantly smaller compared with the other side and will not fill out a bra as it did before. The process of saline leakage can happen over a few days or can take many months. It is not generally painful because the sea line will be safely absorbed by your body, although some women may feel a cool sensation as the saline leaks into the surrounding tissues. It is important to have a clinical evaluation by an experienced plastic surgeon to confirm if there is an implant leakage. An MRI scan may be requested to obtain diagnostic confirmation.
A confirmed implant leak requires a revision breast augmentation fairly urgently. A breast implant manufacturer warranty could cover the implants if the leakage occurs within ten years. Saline implants are rarely used in the UK and have been replaced by silicone implants in the vast majority of breast implant procedures.
Silicone implants
Potential leakage or rupture can be more difficult to detect with silicone implants. Highly cohesive silicone gel is designed to remain within the confines of the implant shell, which may not produce a discernible change in the size of the breast. In some cases, there could be a subtle change in breast shape. This is regarded as a silent implant rupture.
In cases of suspected implant rupture, book an appointment to see Plastic Surgeon for a clinical assessment. Silicone implant rupture may require an MRI scan to confirm the leak. Although medical-grade silicone is not known to have harmful effects on the body, it is best to have revision surgery as soon as possible to ensure safety.
The risk of breast implant leakage or rupture is rare, although it is important to be aware it is a potential complication associated with breast implant surgery.
RELATED: Breast Implant Revision
Do ageing breast implants need to be replaced?
In many cases, women may have one set of breast implants for their entire life without any problems. It is, however, recommended to have them replaced after ten years because of the effect of time on the integrity of the implants. Breasts are prone to sagging as part of the natural ageing process. The effects of pregnancy and childbirth or significant weight loss can affect the appearance of the breasts. The dress can change in size and shape over time due to hormone fluctuations. Many women may have had breast implant surgery before they became pregnant. The appearance of their breasts may change once breastfeeding is complete. Some women often request revision surgery after having children to get rid of sagging or droopy breasts and achieve a youthful appearance similar to when they first had the original implant procedure. The risk of implant leakage or rupture after ten years increases due to ageing breast implants.
Revision breast augmentation at Centre for Surgery
If you have noticed a problem with your breast implants, this should not be ignored. Schedule an appointment to see one of our consultant plastic surgeons for a detailed clinical assessment. If a breast implant problem is identified, the implants can be removed and replaced with new implants to correct the underlying issue. The ideal treatment option will be determined by your personal goals and expectations for treatment.
Centre for Surgery is the leading cosmetic surgery clinic in London with many years of experience in all types of breast implant revision surgery, including breast implant removal and breast implant replacement. Call us today on 020 7993 4849 or complete the contact form below to book a consultation at our state-of-the-art Baker Street clinic in Marylebone.