RELATED: What is gynecomastia?
John Travolta
John Travolta is one of Hollywood’s most famous actors, and he is known for his blue eyes and trademark chin dimple. He has been known for having cosmetic surgery in the last decade. He claimed that his facial procedures include anti-ageing injectables and facelift surgery. Like Dwayne Johnson, John Travolta maintains good nutrition and regularly exercises to maintain his physique.
He has not been known to take anabolic steroids, although it is clear he has suffered from gynecomastia for many years. This may suggest that the condition may have a possible genetic link, as with many men in the general population.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Although he is no longer at the peak of his physical prowess, ‘Arnie’, as he is popularly known, has been known to have had gynecomastia despite having huge pectoral muscles. Arnold Schwarzenegger has been Mr Olympia on multiple occasions, and the development of gynecomastia may have been linked to possible steroid usage. It is well known that many professional bodybuilders take anabolic steroids, which can lead to significant hormonal imbalances. The result is an increase in male glandular tissue. Anabolic steroids increase the circulating levels of oestrogen in the body. Oestrogen is primarily responsible for causing female characteristics, especially when higher levels are maintained over a more extended period of time.
Once gynecomastia has developed in adult men, it does not go away on its own, and the best treatment is gynecomastia surgery. Surgery most commonly involves a combination of liposuction and gland excision. This situation is slightly altered in professional bodybuilders with very low fat levels, and gland excision alone will be sufficient to improve the contour of the male chest.
Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”
Another big and muscular Hollywood celebrity is “The Rock” also known as Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson himself has openly admitted to taking steroids in the early part of his career to help him bulk up. Gynaecomastia has been a constant source of distress for him since he was a young adult. He now appears to have a significantly enhanced chest contour due to having gynecomastia surgery to get rid of his man boobs. This example demonstrates how surgery is the only effective way to get rid of gynecomastia, and gynecomastia does not go away on its own.
Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell is most famous for being an X Factor television show judge. Most men who have gynecomastia commonly avoid wearing fitted clothing to minimise the appearance of their enlarged male breasts. Simon Cowell is well known for wearing tight-fitting T-shirts which accentuate his gynecomastia.
Jack Nicholson
Jack Nicholson is much older than the other celebrities discussed here but has never been known for having a chiselled physique. Although he is not significantly overweight, he has gained weight as a result of the natural ageing process, which appears to have led to the development of gynecomastia.
What are the benefits of gynecomastia surgery?
Getting rid of excess breast tissue is not easy with natural methods, including diet and exercise. Many men are understandably reluctant to undergo an invasive surgical procedure to get rid of gynecomastia. As knowledge and public awareness of this common condition have increased, increasing numbers of men are turning to gynecomastia surgery for a permanent and effective treatment and to achieve a flatter and more contoured chest. Although many men are keen to look for gynecomastia treatment without surgery, sadly, no effective non-surgical treatment to get rid of gynecomastia currently exists.
RELATED: How do you get rid of gynecomastia without surgery?
Many men wonder what the difference is between gynecomastia and chest fat. True gynecomastia with enlargement of the glandular component of the male breast can only be treated with surgery. For men who have an excess of chest fat, this can be reduced with diet and exercise, although liposuction remains the most effective treatment to get rid of stubborn male chest fat. If you are ever told about gynecomastia treatment without the need for surgery, we would treat this with suspicion and choose a reputable provider, such as the Centre for Surgery in London, for your male breast reduction procedure.
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Gynaecomastia surgery is a safe and effective surgical procedure which produces consistently good results in expert hands with favourable long-term outcomes even many years after the treatment. Published medical research has shown men to develop a significant boost in self-confidence and emotional well-being after undergoing gynecomastia surgery. These benefits apply to the entire age spectrum, including older men with a predominance of fatty tissue, also known as pseudogynecomastia.
RELATED: What is gynecomastia surgery recovery like?
Where can I get gynecomastia surgery in London?
Here at Centre for Surgery, we are the top UK experts in all types of gynecomastia surgery. All consultations and treatments occur at our state-of-the-art clinic in the heart of London. Our Baker Street clinic in Marylebone is home to some of the best consultant plastic surgeons in London. We treat hundreds of gynecomastia cases each year with excellent long-term results. The full range of surgical techniques is available, including liposuction, gland excision, skin removal and treatment with BodyTite skin tightening.
RELATED: Male chest reduction surgery in London
If you find you have been asking yourself the following questions:
- Does gynecomastia go away on its own?
- Will gynecomastia come back after surgery?
- Can I get rid of gynecomastia without surgery?
- Does gynecomastia cause fat?
- How much does gynecomastia surgery cost?
We would recommend getting in touch with us today at 020 7993 4849 or completing the contact form below to book a gynecomastia consultation with an expert male breast reduction surgery in London. Our surgeons specialise in both aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery and continue to help hundreds of men each year to enhance the appearance of the chest and boost their self-confidence with gynecomastia surgery.